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  • 专利类型:发明专利
  • 有效期:2022-09-02至2024-09-02
  • 发布日期:2022-09-02
  • 技术成熟度:正在研发
交易价格: ¥面议
  • 法律状态核实
  • 签署交易协议
  • 代办官方过户
  • 交易成功


  • 技术(专利)类型 发明专利
  • 申请号/专利号 201510452155.3 
  • 技术(专利)名称 一种富含天然三素的益寿覆盆子中药超细粉组合新制剂 
  • 项目单位
  • 发明人 李汉臣 
  • 行业类别 人类生活必需品
  • 技术成熟度 正在研发
  • 交易价格 ¥面议
  • 联系人 李汉臣
  • 发布时间 2022-09-02  
  • 01



  • 02



    技术领域本发明涉及一种富含天然三素的益寿覆盆子中药超细粉组合新制剂 的三素是:①中药“维生素”:天然有机食品食补食疗,保护人体细胞的营养健康活性及其正 常的功能和新陈代谢程序;②中药“抗生素”:有抑杀病菌,消炎解毒功能的天然食物药材, 能保护人体的命根子细胞的健康存活,致使人体生命健康延续:③“花青素”:深色植物食物 中富含的天然强抗氧化剂,能祛除自由基保护人体细胞,是人体健康长寿的卫士 : “一粉”就 是中药植物细胞破壁粉碎新技术产出的纳米级超细粉新制剂,能节材增效快速进入人体防 疫祛病活百岁!

    [0002] 《三五》即:一、五行学说:“金木水火土”,天人合一,调理医护人体脏器、组织、系 统;二、新设计的五组基本方剂:覆盆子特1号C硒菌藻18味主导方剂,与辅助性功能的4方剂 16味生药配伍组合的五组基本方剂;三、五项新成果即:新方剂、新技术、新制剂、新产品、新 功效。简称:中药保细胞3135组合新医术。

    [0003] 必须继承和发扬珍贵的五行医术学说“金木水火土”,人体生命五大系统“免疫、内 分泌、消化、呼吸、循环”及五脏“肝心脾肺肾”,六腑“胆、小肠、胃、大肠、膀胱”,还有五体、五 窍、五色、五味、五功能等天人合一的伟大五行学说理念及其医学理论、医术;

    [0004] 中药是天然药物,药食同源,分单方和复方,按药性、五色、五味各归各经,辨证合 力施治,标本兼治,以本为主,处方丰富,单方复方并举,配伍严谨,药效奇特,救死扶伤,月艮 务于繁衍后代、民族兴旺、健康长寿的五千年实践经验和中华医药理念,这就是要坚持继承 和大力发扬的中华医药之魂!

    [0005] 在继承和发扬中华医药传统文化的基础上,勇于积极改革创新,逐步摒弃高温煮、 粗大苦黑的汤、丸、散、丹、膏,致使生物元素损失大、疗效慢、时效短的旧制剂及其旧服用方 式;

    [0006] —定要快速引入和积极实验现代化的生物医药理论及其节材增效、科学制剂的先 进技术及其新产品的应用方式,探索现代疫病病魔影响健康和寿命的产生根源和杀手,设 计出用料少、最省钱、最有效、最快捷的治病救命、养生益寿的新方剂、新技术、新制剂、新产 品、新功效,以强势有力的组合拳,提高防疫治疾养生益寿的中华医药新医术新疗效!

    [0007] 提倡中西医结合,但忌讳把中华医药变种而引向单纯生物元素提取变西药而废弃 中药!或走化学合成之路,使药毒伤身而走入歧途!若废弃或不用中药材了,还谈什么继承 和发扬中华医药文化呢?

    [0008] 因此,本发明依据中国卫生部于2002年公布的既是食品又是药品的名单公告的精 神,优选了34味既是天然食材又是天然药材,其中以覆盆子全株11味+7味富C富硒果蔬菌藻 为主导,即有机富C王刺梨(2000mg%)、有机富硒魔芋粉(363.3微克%)、富含异黄酮葛根素 的葛根粉,及四味富含藻多糖、精氨酸、牛磺酸及大量人体必需氨基酸的海洋性海藻食材海 带、刺海参(黑)、紫菜、墨鱼干;另选用了辅助功能型的16味药食两用的物料;共计34味:其 中菌菇和海藻类6味,浆果8味,花叶茎根6味,黑色食物4味、蔬菜及其他类10味;特与主药覆 盆子全粉配伍组成了能抗生而抑杀病菌、消炎解毒,全价补营养、抗氧化祛除百病之源的自 由基,保护人体细胞健康功能的覆盆子“主导方剂(18味)” +四个“五降”为主的辅助功能方 剂(16味)的“1主4辅五方剂”新组合,采用按单剂或复合方剂为原料,分别采用破壁超微细 粉碎的纳米制剂技术和服用方式,形成《天然三素一粉斗病魔》、《三五》组合新医术新理念 新策略,全方位地实施中药破壁超细粉的新方剂、新技术、新制剂、新产品、新功效,高效快 速补营养、强化食补食疗、抑杀病菌、消炎解毒,强抗氧化去除自由基,从而达到中华医学保 细胞、防慢病、治未病,攻杂症、克顽疾,助民人人健康,家家幸福!实现人民富康,国家强盛, 民族复兴之中国梦!本发明技术属类:

    [0009] ①涉及人体生命科学探秘,寻求保护细胞防百病的抗衰老,保健康,长寿百岁常态 化的疗效快、时效长、功效高的奇方妙术。

    [0010] ②能创新一种为人类健康长寿幸福的科学养生新理念《天然三素一粉斗病魔》的 实战策略;

    [0011] ③本发明的中药方剂、制剂、产品必须保证能充分保有全价营养维生素和全部生 物医药元素,达到破壁,增效,速效,长效,节材,百姓吃得起;甚至应向全国推行发动农村家 家自种或城乡联种“覆盆一分地,养生不求医”的全民防慢病、治未病、保健康、活百岁的普 及大动员大行动!(注:俄罗斯人搬家不忘带走红梅花树莓一一覆盆子养生树;美国医学家 发现每人日喝红树莓果汁150克,就不会有癌细胞;所含鞣花酸对乳腺癌、宫颈癌、结肠癌、 胰脏癌有防治特效(所以要动员家家种植覆盆子);日本战后调查发现:长崎广岛受原子弹 伤害者中,凡以前常喝绿茶叶的,抗辐射能力就强,伤势就轻,存活期就长;常服用覆盆子药 果茶会更有益)。

    [0012] ④药食两用的覆盆子中药植物原料制成破壁超细粉养生益寿系列的药品、果品、 饮品、食品、酒品和养颜美肌化妆品等;

    [0013] ⑤继承发扬中国古代贤达哲人创立的“天人合一”、“木火土金水”,与人体“肝心脾 肺肾”五脏六腑的《五行相生相克》的五行学说,从而将中药覆盆子药果茶植物天然具有的 “五果”、“五色”、“五味”、“天然五素一一药素、果素、茶素、矿素、色味素”归入五经,强势“养 护五脏”、调理五大生命组织系统:免疫(解毒)、内分泌(抗氧化)、消化(增免疫抗衰老)、呼 吸(补气)、循环(排毒),发挥覆盆子的十大生物医药活性元素功能,与现代化超微细粉破壁 粉碎新制剂技术紧密结合,充分发挥“一主导四辅助”的五行学说、五方剂、五项新成果的 《三五》组合,《三素一粉斗病魔》合力,以济世救民的精神,保健养生长寿的效果造福于人 类!

    [00M]⑥还涉及到一个现代中医科学新理念:人类所患的一切病痛的根源,都是因为人 体细胞有了问题,而引发一切病变,轻者病痛,重者要命,因此必须研究开发《三素一粉保细 胞斗病魔》新课题!



    背景技术中医古训:药食同源,辨证加减。大量中药材自古既是药品又是食品, 是中华医药宝库中上千年来健身养生,治病救命,繁衍后代,促进中华民族健壮蓬勃发展的 良医好药。中华医药虽对中药的药性及其对症治疗用药的配伍十分严谨和熟练施治,但由 于科学检测技术滞后,究竟中药材中产生疗效的营养维生素和生物医药元素的名称都是什 么?其成分含量又有多少?古时只靠实践经验的积累和辩证,几乎全不知晓,因而极大地影 响了中医中药的数据化、精准化、高效化的现代化科技发展!

    [0016] —、现代医学科学验证:近代医学依靠先进的仪器检测、生物提取、化学分析、动物 试用、临床实验等科学的先进手段,不仅继承和科学地验证了中华医药的保健养生、治病救 命、民族繁衍传承的历史功绩,及其中华医药文化的国粹瑰宝之伟大价值,同时也挖掘发现 和验证了中华医药之所以能治病救命,总结一下,就是因为中药材中有大量天然存在的生 物化学抗生素在抑杀病菌、消炎解毒、抗氧化保细胞、补充维持生命的营养要素和生物医药 活性元素的存在和医用;并经数千年代代实践,辈辈相传,形成了高超的治病救人的医学理 论和医术水平;但是就因沿用高温熬煮、粗粉丸散的制剂方式太落后,致使疗效虽好但太 慢、时效虽有但太短,又费材料,服法量大又太粗苦难入口,所以中药也就难出国门!尤其在 《三素一粉斗病魔》的基础研究和理论认知的提升方面,尚须作为发展中华医学的现代科学 的尖端继续探索奋进!

    [0017] 二、据报道:中药的方剂制剂工艺技术发展阶段可细分为四个阶段:

    [0018] 第1阶段:進鐘中药:主要靠数千年世世代代千辛万苦地反复实践,积累经验,及不 断追求发展的理念,其方剂有古方、新方,御方、民方,名方、验方,秘方、偏方、奇方等千千万 万,百花争艳,虽受科学检测检验手段的滞后,而不知能治病的生物元素究竟是什么?所以 其制剂和服用方式,是以原生药高温熬汤、溶解、浓缩,或制成膏、丹、丸、散,以内服外敷等 方式医治祛病;虽然损失了大量药材及其有用的元素成分,并服用着黑粗苦汤治疗病痛,但 伟大的千古中华医药文化,却抚育了 13亿伟大的中华民族不断繁衍壮大,健康发展,顶天立 地,已挺立于世界五千年!

    [0019] 第2阶段:通中药制剂:多以粗粉入药,以丸、散、颗粒、片剂、胶囊、冲剂、口服液、 加糖衣等剂型为主;因改善了制剂方式,能方便服用,减轻了粗黑苦味,确是一个进步!虽然 疗效好,但时效仍慢。

    [0020] 第3阶段:现代化中药制剂:至近年来成功开发的主要以有效成分单一提取或取有 效部位入药,还有外来的洋药;但本发明认为:已明显显示中药进入了生物医药元素提取的 实质性实验和发展阶段,其疗效和时效虽有所提高,但却远离了中药全草入药、多味、多药 素互补的优势,也就是说:提取萃取只能用其单一有效成分,不能把全方剂内含的多种生物 医药元素同时全部利用,有失中药内在的多种生物医药元素合力互补、协同调理、增效之功 能,更不利于复方多味药剂辨证加减的灵活施治的医术延深,同时也增加了耗材量,提高了 成本,疗效单纯,不如复方全效合剂的医效虽慢但其疗效周全;

    [0021] 第4阶段:后现代化1中药制剂亦称创新中药:

    [0022] ①以天然活性成分为先导的化合物的合成和半合成化学药物,及其衍生物入药; 本发明认为:这是中药试走西药的试验阶段,甚至有弃天然中药而错走化学合成的技术路 线之嫌。

    [0023] ②以生物技术生产的天然活性物质,如生物提取技术产品;本发明认为:这是一个 很大的进步,但并不能完全适用于生药全料或全草入药,达不到多味互补,标本兼治,以治 本为主的目的;传统中药单方独剂和复方多剂,能充分发挥多元素协同辨证施治的理念和 医术效果;

    [0024] ③中药材全草机械粉碎超微粉—超微细粉—破壁超细粉(纳米级),是传统中药理 念的更大飞越。本发明认为:能把中药的单方或复方的全料或全草内含的已知或未知的全 部生物医药元素及其全价维生素成分,都能包含在破壁全释放、增效又节材的超细粉里,是 一个以全价生物医药元素为主导,严密而科学地结合中药单方单剂或复方全剂,辨证加减、 灵活施治,使中药医术真正飞跃!应予肯定,积极实践;本发明的《三素一粉保细胞斗病魔》 新理念就是如此。

    [0025] 据了解,目前中药制剂已进入微米粉碎阶段,在500目至1200目之间,尚不能更完 全地破壁溶出,据专家意见,只有达到纳米级粒度120至500nm (约10万至4万目),在保证安 全无毒不变性的前提下,争取最大地发挥中医中药节材增效、食补药疗、全方位的功能。

    [0026] 本发明坚定地继承古医学家李时珍关于中药覆盆子叶、根、绿果可入药的重要实 证;又得到中国卫生部于2002年公布的药食两用的中药材名单中有覆盆子,在其鼓励下,前 已研发成功《一种北方代茶树覆盆子保健养生药果茶的生产方法》的发明专利,不仅单用其 芽叶制备了覆盆子纯药茶,而又创新地把覆盆子的药绿果、鲜红果、根茎、芽叶4味复方组合 在一起,虽然成功地采用了传统炒制茶叶的技术方案制备了药食两用的中药覆盆子保健养 生药果功能茶,但是,还没有达到全株11味生药入食入药;也没有离开高温炒制而损失维生 营养元素及生物医药成分之弊端;更没有达到破壁增效节材的超细粉更先进的技术水平; 只是一项有保健功能的香甜酸可口美食,更是为北方半个中国发现了一种冻不死的新药用 的绿茶茶树!

    [0027] 本发明时经18年来的中药覆盆子保健养生的探秘探索实验,基本符合“后现代化 中药制剂工艺亦称创新中药”的技术开发方向。更在认知上,发现中药覆盆子是实施“三素 一粉”抗氧化保细胞斗病魔的理想实验材料,因为覆盆子内富含抗生素作用的抑杀癌症病 细胞的元素鞣花酸、黄酮、植物水杨酸阿司匹林;又有丰富的维生素和微量矿物质、氨基酸 等营养成分;又有强抗氧化剂花青素、茶多酚、S0D;还有植物性雌激素和壮阳功能;因此,覆 盆子全草破壁粉碎成纳米超细粉,不就成了《三素一粉斗病魔》的养生益寿的良方好药了 吗?

    [0028] 三、中药覆盆子目前的科研和应用技术状况:

    [0029] (1)在食品方面的应用,主要是针对覆盆子所产的红树莓鲜果直接食用,或速冻出 口,或真空冷冻干燥,或冷冻保鲜直接做为全年生产果酱,果汁,果酒和复合茶等营养食品 加工的原料;

    [0030] (2)在药品方面仅用覆盆子的绿果入药,其叶和根很少用药:更无全草入食入药:

    [0031] ①主要多用覆盆子绿莓药果(主称覆盆子)单方酒浸瓦焙制粗粉治疗阳痿,壮阳滋 阴补肾助孕育;根茎煮汤救治胎死腹中不下,或破血止血用等;叶治眼疾或疗伤消炎。

    [0032] ②以覆盆子绿莓干果作为主药,与枸杞子、菟丝子、五味子、车前子配伍,或与淫羊 藿、巴戟天、五味子、车前子组成颇具盛名的补肾固精古方《五子衍宗丸》;

    [0033] ③或与其它中药配伍制剂以达到治病的目的;

    [0034] (3)但上述食用、药用这两种制剂方式都存在弊端:

    [0035] ①由于覆盆子成熟的鲜果果期短、容易腐烂变质,冷冻保鲜成本高,而且因此对覆 盆子鲜果的食用颇受季节的限制;目前速冻鲜果出口仍处于原料初加工阶段;国内至今尚 未把成熟的鲜果用于治病,古医说:不入药;但美国及国内科学界已发现红莓果内富含生物 营养和医药元素,无论冷饮或加热饮用鲜果汁,都能补充维生素,尤其是抑杀癌细胞的效 用;

    [0036] ②干绿莓药果的利用也只简单地局限于单剂或与其它中药配伍后采用水煮煎熬、 酒浸、破碎粗粉的方法;这样的利用方式,如一个方剂要用l〇〇°C煎熬三次高热处理,反而损 失了某些有效元素;而粗破碎达不到破壁释放其有效成分,因而既破坏了覆盆子中的药效 活性成份,又限制了覆盆子成分的充分利用。

    [0037] ③覆盆子的花、托盘、茎枝杆三味生药原料,及其五种五色果实在药用或食用上尚 未全面开发,虽在2005年出现了一项《一种北方代茶树覆盆子植物原料及其保健养生药果 茶的生产方法》的发明专利,为中国北方16省寒冷地区无种茶经济填补了一项空白,解决了 人工丰产栽培茶园技术,创新地利用了覆盆子的部分主要生药材料一一生绿莓果、红熟莓 果、芽叶、根状茎四味生药复合方剂,生产出中药覆盆子保健养生药果茶复合制剂;同时, 2004年农业部茶业监督检验中心出具了检测检验报告,2008年国家知识产权局颁发了优秀 专利《特别金杯奖》,2013年又获得北京创业发明项目大赛银奖和奖金,进一步认定了中药 覆盆子保健养生药果茶优于传统茶;但至今因技术与资本链接严重缺失,而不能及时转化 成济民养生键身助长寿的产品!当然,该项专利虽然已将中药覆盆子植物的芽叶、绿药果、 熟莓果、根状茎四味,以生药方式创新地复合制成保健养生药果茶,是一项新发明,但仍处 于100至300°C传统高温炒制工艺制茶状态。因此,该技术仍有提升至超细粉(纳米级)低温 破壁、快速增效、节约用材的技术高度,为北方16省的种茶制茶经济的发展又将快马扬鞭。

    [0038] 中医更多用复方多味方剂(目前竟有多达数十味至百味复合方剂),其药疗及保健 养生的有效元素更多更为复杂,所以中药方剂一直沿用着随病情轻重变化而加减、辩证施 治,经数千年的实践经验积累,已证明中医中药全草入药,标本兼治,以本为主,是极为科学 的实践经验、理论和医术。但至今仍很难把中药内的真正参与有效治病的综合性生物医药 元素名称、成分、数量,及其元素之间的互调互补的药性关系,均尚未探索清楚;尤其是验 方、秘方、奇方中疗效高的生物元素成分多,更是神秘莫测;所以按西药提取中药内的某一 个生物元素单独施治疾病的路子,可试可探,但很难包揽、替代中医中药。目前,生物提取中 药中的某个单一生物医药元素的技术虽不难,但其用材较多,疗效也不全面,只限于一种生 物元素,还是发挥不了中华医药内的多元素合力、标本同治的优势;由于中药成本低,疗效 虽慢但切实可靠,毒副作用没有或较小,能缓解一部分民众感到治病难,吃药贵的部分难 题,仍十分可贵!

    [0039] 但也提出了一个制剂加工技术必须进一步改革,使疗效更高更全更快速提高的课 题!

    [0040] 生物单一提取虽疗效快了,但很废药材,又达不到中药的药用元素多且互补性强, 疗效宽;超细粉虽然由于低温又全料破壁,是药素和微生素几乎能百分之百参与治病生效, 虽然大大节约了药材原料,但又把一些木质无用的粗纤维和杂质也吃了进去,因此,能不能 把生物萃取和超细粉粉碎两个技术的优点合并,把其缺点避开,其药效不就更高更全了吗?

    [0041] 四、更根本的问题是急需加强对当今最影响人类健康长寿的两大患病根源的科学 防治:一是预防新、旧突变产生的病菌和病毒传染;二是生活环境污染,和乱开西药有药害, 降低了人体的细胞和机体组织的免疫力和抗氧化能力!因此,人体内产生了过多的致病自 由基,严重损害了正常细胞的质量及其活力,增多了血液内的垃圾和毒素成为板块,进而产 生了心脑血管病(脑梗死和心肌衰竭、猝死)、糖尿病及其并发症、癌症、失活免疫力等杀手!

    [0042] 目前已进入社会老龄化,65岁以上人口已达2亿人(每六人中有一个老龄人),由于 人体细胞和组织、器官不断受到各种伤害而老化,免疫力下降,患慢性病的已占60-75%以 上,甚至亚健康的人群已出现年轻化趋势,这就是所谓的现代病、富贵病,已是一个严重影 响人民健康幸福和国强民富的大事情!因此,研发选用多种针对性强的中药单剂超细粉和 组合型超细粉制剂,能快速推彳丁尚效救护人体细胞、强力促二降:尚血脂、尚血糖、尚血压, 普及抗氧化、保细胞、增免疫的五行养生益寿超细粉《三五》新组合的新技术、新组方、新制 剂、新产品、新功效,以求从患病的根源上能有效地进行防治,甚至能将病原拒之体外,治未 病就显得十万火急!



    发明内容本发明中药“三素一粉”保细胞活百岁三五组合新医术,其新就新在以 下七个重要的探秘探索新发现和五个新成果:新技术,新方剂,新制剂,新产品,新疗效。

    [0044] 第一个探索探密新发现:患病根源是老夙敌+新杀手

    [0045] 发现当代人类已处于老龄化、一体多病、疑难杂症、影响健康生活和寿命的慢性病 的折磨和困扰。其病因的侧重点与已往有所不同,据科技界报道:过去一直认为,在地球上, 只有病菌和病毒是人类生命的夙敌!但直到二十世纪六十年代,人类才认识到还有比病菌 和病毒更为凶险、也更为隐蔽的新杀手是:人体细胞和组织受到过氧化自由基的损害而致 百病!

    [0046] 自由基过量产生,或人体自身消除自由基的免疫体能下降,都会产生导致大病、恶 病、多种慢性疾病及衰老效应蔓延和扩展。大量资料已经证明,人体内的炎症、肿瘤、衰老、 血液病、以及心、肝、脾、肺、肾、皮肤等五脏六腑,是人体最娇嫩,最憔悴,但又是最要害的生 命运行、存续的器官,最易患病、最需自主养生保健,更需科学医护!

    [0047] 各方面疑难杂症疾病的发生机理,与人体内自由基产生过多,或自行免疫祛除自 由基能力下降有着密切关系(注:犹如自然界的金属和木头会氧化锈蚀腐烂一样,需采取防 潮湿、防蛀虫,杀霉菌、抗氧化,从而发明了最有效抗氧化的防锈剂、油漆、或电镀保护膜等 抗氧化产品)。相比之下,人体生命更憔悴,但更可贵,从而研发了灭菌消毒、注射疫苗、使用 西药抗生素等药品及技术措施;但又出现了有病乱用抗生素,乱打吊针、大把吞食所谓治百 病的针对性不强的甚至是假药毒食,因而又产生了药毒毒害和抗药性!给一体多病创造了 患病的温床,甚至防不胜防!因此,病毒病菌和过氧化自由基就是古今人类致病要命的罪魁 祸首!

    [0048] 第二个探索探密新发现:环境污染+病从口入=现代病+富贵病的起因和严重现状

    [0049] 发现人类患病的根源之一是:受环境污染之害而产生病菌病毒流行传染施虐;

    [0050] 发现人类患病的根源之二是:人体细胞和组织受到过氧化自由基的损害而致百 病!

    [0051] 发现人类患病的总根源是:上述的两个患病根源,又归咎于一个总根源,人类所患 的疾病都是人体细胞受到外侵或内伤所致,而引发人的机体组织、器官、系统紊乱、发炎、病 变,轻者病痛,重者致残、短寿;

    [0052] 外侵,多系自然受伤、空气和环境污染,病菌病毒感染、传染等;内伤又是啥呢?请 看:现代有不少人富足后,科学知识和健康意识差,胡吃(大肉大油及垃圾食品),海喝(酗 酒、有害饮料),瞎抽(烟草尼古丁、鸦片),懒动(以车代步不运动),鬼迷心窍(三贪:吃、钱、 色而缺德、伤身、犯罪);在旧社会因国弱民穷被戴上了 “东亚病夫”的灰色帽子;如今富了, 由自己给自己带上了现代病、富贵病等帽子;有些人硬要丢掉红帽子戴上“三贪”黑帽子;

    [0053] 据国家卫生部公布的“中国居民健康与营养状况调查”,全国已有1.6亿人患高血 压(8人中有1人);4000万人患糖尿病;1.6亿人血脂异常(8人中有1人);2亿人体超重(6.5个 人中有1人);6000万肥胖人群(22个人中有一个胖子);每年约有260万人死于心脑血管疾 病,也就是说,每12秒就有一人死于心脑血管病,而且日趋年轻化;心脑血管疾病已成为威 胁健康和生命的“头号杀手”!而过氧化自由基就是损伤人体细胞致百病的罪魁祸首。

    [0054] 医学科技界认为,自由基对人体的杀伤力很强,可以毫无选择地直接攻击人体细 胞膜、细胞及机体组织器官,引起连锁性的过氧化反应,使得人体内部产生退化性疾病。尤 其是免疫力下降的中老年人群中,自由基诱发的各种疾病,诸如“五尚”:尚血脂、尚血粘、尚 血糖、高血压、高胆固醇;又连锁引发动脉粥样硬化、脑梗死、冠心病、心猝死、老年痴呆、糖 尿病、帕金森病、老慢支、癌症等现代病、富贵病,致使折寿早逝。

    [0055] 科学家发现:归根到底,人只会得一种病,那就是细胞疾病。人类所有疾病的原因 可以归纳为细胞出了问题!细胞出了问题—机体组织就有了问题—器官就有了问题—系统 就有了问题—人就会得病—就会受罪短寿!由此可知保护人体细胞不被损伤,保持正常活 力及其自然代谢更新的规律和程序,就能达到人均寿命120岁,甚至达到人的生理寿命175 岁!让我们大家都来尽力保护自己的命根子细胞吧!

    [0056] 专家比喻:细胞就像是盖高楼大厦的千万块砖,如果砖头受到损伤,万丈高楼就会 轰然倒塌成了一片废墟!本发明说到底就是要研究保护人的命根子细胞少受或不受损害, 一旦受了损害,还能修复吗?就是要探求索取能预防和保护人体细胞不受或少受病毒病菌 及过氧化自由基的侵害、或被伤害后还能及时修复的奇药妙方!

    [0057] 本发明的任务之一,就是要针对已出现的致病根源过氧化自由基,从其病根上采 用常态化的优质高效的天然抗生素、天然有机维生素、深色花青素的药食两用的药材食材, 进行超细粉碎破壁的新方剂新制剂的加工技术,研发出能强抗氧化去除自由基,保护细胞, 同时又能修补提高患者自身的免疫力,促进人民健康长寿,幸福一生,世代相继!目前还应 向公众宣传教育:

    [0058] 1、要大力宣传教育生命科学常识,提高健康自爱、自觉修德养生身心保健意识;人 人养成一个科学的修身养生保健康的好习惯;如:①好心态;②饮食卫生荤素搭配;③四爱: 学习、劳动、运动、做善事;④中老年人夜保睡眠5〜7小时;⑤年年常查体;小病立即治;大病 不耽误;⑥急病找西医;慢病吃中药,防病讲科学养生之道;⑦中西医结合加五行养生,长命 百岁不显老!

    [0059] 2、认真改善环境和饮食卫生条件,给人们创造一个工作、生活、休养的良好环境;

    [0060] 3、要在医学上继续预防和根除病毒和病菌,仍须发挥和科学地应用卫生消毒、注 射疫苗、合理使用抗生素,中西医药紧密结合,继承并改进中医中药有效的传统医药医疗保 健养生措施;

    [0061] 第三个探索探密发现新方剂+新技术+新制剂+新产品+新疗效

    [0062] 经18年艰辛的研究探索发现,以中药材覆盆子植物全草整株11味+7味共18味生药 富含VC+硒、牛磺酸、精氨酸、八种必需氨基酸的“覆盆C硒菌藻”为主导的维生素方剂;同时 又另精选了 16味能日常药食两用的芽叶、浆果、蔬菜及富含花青素的黑色食品等价低、易 产、高效、无毒的天然食材,以及具有良好的抗病毒感染和抗菌抗炎的酚类化合物类黄酮、 茶多酚、鞣花酸、银杏黄铜等抗生素和51种挥发性抗生素,34味生物医药元素配伍组成的 “一主导四辅助”的五方剂,合力形成了中医抗氧化保细胞“三素一粉”斗病魔的《三五》组合 新医术;

    [0063] 科技界已知自由基是人体细胞和组织器官过氧化所致而患百种以上疾病,其严重 性在于人体细胞及组织被过氧化自由基伤害带有普遍性和必然性!那么,怎样才能阻止过 氧化并能消除罪魁祸首自由基呢?本发明就是要寻找一种既能保证人体天天需要的全部维 生素,又能获得具有强抗氧化、增免疫、有效保护人体细胞的药食兼具、天然无毒副作用的 生物医药活性元素;寻求新药材、新食品、新组方、新制剂、新产品、新功效的新加工技术,就 显得万分紧迫!从而修筑一条人类预防病害保健康的“新长城”,御敌至体外,安康达细胞, 补益至五脏,延缓衰老,长命百岁!

    [0064] 按照世界组织的定义:人类的寿命应能活到最短100岁,最长175岁,按照公认的平 均寿命应该是125岁,目前中国人的平均寿命,六十年来随着国民经济及人民生活的提高, 医药医疗技术的飞速发展,已从建国前的人均40几岁延长至74岁(日本已达83岁),今有科 学家预测,中国90后出生的国民,其寿命有可能达到100岁!让我们为这个可喜的目标,创造 快乐富足健康幸福的人生,但必须在创造生态环保的生存环境条件的同时,还要创新有效 的药食两用的保健养生治病救命的覆盆子中药材、新组方、新制剂、新产品,以便强势组合 给力护航,努力实现中华民族健康长寿幸福之梦。

    [0065] 第四个探索探密新发现:覆盆子全身都是宝,议古论今功效好

    [0066] 为什么本发明要选用中药材覆盆子,并将其全草作为中华民族健康长寿的“防锈 剂”、“电镀膜”、强抗氧化保细胞、增免疫的保健养生长寿的良药美食之一呢?因为:

    [0067] ①已知联合国粮农组织在1955年就把开发树莓果(覆盆子属)、蓝莓果、沙棘等山 野浆果列为全球新开发的第三代水果,作为21世纪人类的健康食品;

    [0068] ②中国卫生部在2002年已把覆盆子等药食同源主君生药87类(94味)及其名贵的 114味强补物品,列入了既是药品又是食品的名单中正式公布,为开发出真实合法有效的保 健养生美食良药向全国发出了保健防病,养生长寿的响亮号角;

    [0069] ③本发明与1997年开始涉足覆盆子全草的考察、试种、研发,张家口市科委曾立项 拨款资助,十八年来对中药覆盆子与人体生命关系的探秘探索,有了较深入的认识和发现: 获知覆盆子有全价的维持生命的营养元素,能使人体能保持免疫健康防御疫病于体外,又 有极多的生物医药化学活性元素成分,极具强劲的杀灭病魔而获得长寿幸福!现从古到今 分别阐述如下:

    [0070] —、关于中药材覆盆子的古医学家的论述及本发明的新发现

    [0071] 根据中国古医学家李时珍对中药覆盆子的论述记载(注:请详见中国古医学家李 时珍巨著【本草纲目】人民卫生出版社中册第十八卷1119-1124页《蓬藁M覆盆子》《悬钩子》 三文中.对覆盆子药性、病理、方剂等对人体保健养生治病救命的详尽论症;主要功效:药食 兼具,清热解毒,壮阳补肾,滋阴补虚,减肥美容,免疫祛病防病除邪,延缓衰老,医护脏器, 健康长寿;

    [0072] (—)李时珍的古医论述试摘录归纳如下:

    [0073] 1、覆盆子药性:

    [0074] ①干绿药果(统称覆盆子)【气味】甘、酸、平、无毒;

    [0075] ②芽叶【气味】微酸、咸、平、无毒;

    [0076] ③根皮【气味】苦、平、无毒;

    [0077] ④红莓鲜果:香甜酸可鲜食,但不入药(注:古时无化学检测检验手段,现代检测发 现红熟莓果中富含维生素和多种重要生物医药元素)。

    [0078] 2、【主治】

    [0079] ①男科:补虚续绝(强壮、固精、繁衍后代),强阴健阳(滋阴补虚、补肾固精),阳事 不起(阳痿)研末酒服治之;

    [0080] ②妇科:女子食子有子(助孕育);食之好颜色(健体美容);子(胎)死腹中不下(救 命);破血、妇人赤带、腹痛等病症,都可用覆盆子(绿果)及叶根煮浓汁饮治;

    [0081] ③综合科:清热解毒(消炎防疫)、悦泽肌肤(美容、减肥)、安和五脏(护肝调理脾胃 心肺肾)、温中益力、疗痨损风虚、补肝明目、醒酒止渴、除痰止痢、益气轻身;

    [0082] 3、其它摘录:

    [0083] ①子榨汁涂(洗)发不白;②叶汁:治眼红和牙疼;③叶粉:治臁疮溃烂;④根皮:治 血崩不止、崩中不止,用木莓根四两、酒一碗,煎七分。日夜数起欲死者,以此入腹即活。等 等。

    [0084] (二)、本发明在研发中发现覆盆子植物科属中能分生11味生药原料

    [0085] ①未熟的绿树莓药果、②红莓果、③黄莓果、④白泡或紫莓果、⑤黑莓果、⑥芽叶、 ⑦花(白花和红花)、⑧花果托盘、⑨果籽、⑩根皮、(11)嫩枝杆;(注:其中①⑥⑩三种自古至 今入药,其余8种系本发明启用的新生药;古今中华医学均无药用记载);

    [0086] 在覆盆子新划分的11味生药的生物医药成分及其医用价值上基本相同,但各有侧 重,相互配合,可单方单剂,也可复方合剂入药增效。11味覆盆子生药原料,以其五体、五色、 药性入五行归经如下:①花瓣、花朵:以白花居多,归心肺经,(古今尚未见药用记载);②未 成熟的绿莓药果(覆盆子),古医用其未熟绿色莓果主治男女肾虚不孕;归肝、肾经;③红、紫 莓果归心经;④黄莓果入脾经;⑤白泡莓果归肺经;⑥黑莓果归肾经;注:;⑦芽叶:归肝、肾 经;⑧黑褐色根茎皮:归肾经;⑨果籽实:黄褐色,归脾、肾经;⑩花果托盘:黄绿色,归肝、脾 经;(11)嫩枝杆:茎杆是为覆盆子植物支撑、积累和输送水分和营养的管道和支柱,其枝干 内腔有白色海绵状的营养物储存;

    [0087] 对成熟的鲜果,医界未见药用记载,李时珍说:软红可爱,不入药,若树莓则不可混 米者也

    [0088] 二、覆盆子自身11味生药原料的食补药疗功效价值按议古论今分别简述如下:

    [0089] 1、覆盆子生药原料之一 “花朵”:有红白紫色之分,花瓣或花朵以白色居多,雄雌蕊 同株,归心肺经,香气中含挥发性抗生素有杀菌解毒、健体美肌功效。

    [0090] 2、覆盆子生药原料之二“芽叶”:覆盆子芽叶的古今医学价值论述

    [0091] (1)芽叶的古医方剂功效:治眼、治疮:李时珍《本草纲目》载明:覆盆子芽叶【气味】 微酸、咸、平、无毒;【主治】:援绞取汁,滴目中,去肤赤,出虫如丝线。脏器:明目止泪,收湿 气。臁疮溃烂,覆盆叶为末。用酸浆水洗后掺之,日一次,以愈为度。治目暗不见物,冷泪浸淫 不止,及青盲、天行目暗等疾。

    [0092] 【附方】牙痛点眼用覆盆子嫩叶捣汁,点目眦三四次,虫随眵泪出成块也。无新叶, 干叶煎浓汁亦可。疮溃烂覆盆叶为末,用酸浆水洗后掺之,日一次,以愈为度。外用治痈疮肿 毒。

    [0093] (2)现代医学对覆盆子的芽叶功能的验证

    [0094] 可炒制保健养生药茶:中国农业部茶业监督检测检验中心于2004年对研发人李汉 臣送检的《覆盆子药用保健养生茶》出具的检验报告见下表:


    [0097] 3、覆盆子生药原料之三“绿药果”:未熟的绿药果古今医学价值

    [0098] (1)中华古医对绿药果的论证:

    [0099] 覆盆子绿莓药果【气味】甘,平,无毒。(权曰)甘、辛,微热。【主治】益气轻身,令发不 白。别录。补虚续绝,强阴健阳,悦泽肌肤,安和五脏,温中益力,疗痨损风虚,补肝明目。并宜 捣筛,每旦水服三钱。马志。男子肾精虚竭,阴痿能令坚长。女子食之有子。权。食之令人好颜 色,榨汁涂发不白。藏器。益肾脏,缩小便,取汁同少量蜜煎为稀膏,点服,治肺气虚寒。宗奭。 【附方】新二。阳事不起覆盆子,酒浸焙研为末,每旦酒服三钱。集简方。覆盆子又称悬钩子 (未熟绿果),《拾遗》【气味】酸,平,无毒。醒酒止渴,除痰,去酒毒。藏器。捣汁服,解射工、沙 虱毒。时珍。安五脏,益精气,长阴令人坚,强志倍力,有子。久服,轻身不老。本经。疗暴中风, 身热大惊。别录。益颜色,长发,耐寒湿。古方概括总论:【功效】:固肾,涩精,缩溺。【归经】:入 肝、肾经。

    [0100] (2)现代医学对覆盆子绿莓药果的验证:

    [0101] A、《中药材》第28卷第2期报道如下:

    [0102] 中医实践千年的结论是:覆盆子为蔷薇科植物;覆盆子的未成熟绿果实,具有补肾 固精、助阳缩尿的功效,用于肾虚遗精、滑精、阳痿、遗尿、尿频等证,为常用温肾助阳中药。

    [0103] 现代医学药理实验证明:覆盆子Rubus chin gii Hu具有抗诱变,改善学习记忆能 力,延缓衰老,增强免疫的作用。为探讨其化学成分,阐明其生物活性成分,我们对覆盆子乙 酸乙酯部分进行了初步研究,分离得到5个化合物,经理化和光谱研究确定其结构为:①对 轻基间甲氧基苯甲酸(14-hydroxy-3_methoxybenzoic acid)②对轻基苯甲酸(P-Hydroxybenzoic acid)③没食子酸(Gallic acid)④锻树苷(Tiliroside)⑤揉花酸 (Ellagic acid)

    [0104] B、《中国中医科学院》对覆盆子绿莓药果化学成分的质量标准研究成果之一:

    [0105] 覆盆子(注:绿莓药果的统称)始载于《名医别录》,列为上品,中医用药历史悠久, 是一味重要的固精缩尿,补益肝肾药。

    [0106] 现代科学研究表明,其主要含有萜类,黄酮,挥发油等成分,其具有改善学习记忆 能力,抗诱变,延缓衰老,促进淋巴细胞增殖,温肾助阳等作用。应用现代色谱技术,采用多 种分离方法,从中分离得到了 18个化合物,并利用理化性质和现代波谱学方法鉴定了其中 16个化合物,分别是5个三萜类化合物,3个生物碱类化合物,4个黄酮类化合物,2个留醇类 化合物,1个有机酸类化合物,1个脂肪醇类化合物。

    [0107] C、《中国中医科学院》对覆盆子绿莓药果实验成果之二:覆盆子植物的绿药果具有 一定的药疗和食疗作用,与传统的中医药功效相吻合。其主要药理作用如下:①抗肿瘤活 性;②温肾助阳作用;③抗自由基和抗氧化活性;④保肝作用;⑤抗衰老作用;⑥止血凝血和 (软化)血管方面作用;⑦总的酚类化合物具有良好的抗病毒感染和抗菌抗炎症作用;

    [0108] D、据中国中药植物研究所资料中报道:中国医药科技界发现覆盆子浸出液对动物 实验有雌激素现象。无疑对女性保护暖巢缓解更年期延缓衰老有益;服用化学雌激素易致 癌注:上述覆盆子质量标准研究成果证明:一味绿莓果生药已发现竟有二十多个化合 物一一生物医药元素,是中医医治疾病中合力增效的关键理念和方法,复方多味就更为神 秘和奥妙!说明单靠其中萃取提取的某一种生物元素是很难达到中药全方剂入药的疗效, 由此可知:中草药全草破壁超细粉粉碎能把全部所含的营养成分和全部生物医药元素囊括 其中,合力增效,这才是真正的中华医药全草超细粉生物应用新技术的新疗效!研究证明: 悬钩子属覆盆子植物,具有多种药理作用,对人的机体生命活动的调节及医药保健具有重 要意义和实际价值!应特别引起重视的是中国中医科学院明确指出:“中药覆盆子”总的酚 类化合物具有良好的抗病毒感染和抗菌抗炎症作用!注:这就是证明了中药也有抗生素功 能!

    [0109] 4、覆盆子生药原料之四:五种成熟的红紫黄黑白树莓鲜果的古今医学价值:

    [0110] (1)中华古医记载:红莓鲜果,状如覆盆(注:指熟后摘下像翻倒在地而口向下覆盖 的瓦盆),其味甘美(注:香甜酸);其色红如樱桃者,生则青黄,熟则乌赤,子似覆盆而大,赤 色酢甜可食。山中人及时采来卖,其味酸甘,外如荔枝,大如樱桃,;不入药;若树莓则不可混 采者也(注:古时无化验检测手段,故曰可食、可爱。不可混采。不入药。)但其客观上已证明 “其味甘美” “其味酸甘” “软红可爱” “可食,可爱”,其营养价值已在其中了。

    [0111] (2)现代医学对覆盆子红莓果的营养成分元素的部分分析验证:

    [0112] 表一:覆盆子已成熟的红莓鲜果维生素营养成份(百克中成份含量)


    [0117] 注:据甘肃农大与工程学院、北京电子科技职业学院生物技术系,研究测定红莓果 含抑杀癌细胞的鞣花酸230mg/kg,即百克中含23mg;(注:因产地、品种、提取溶剂各异,其测 试数据会有差异)。

    [0118] (3)覆盆子有“红(紫)黄绿白黑”五彩树莓果,其现代药食价值非常大,不仅有全价 维生营养素、强抗氧化剂祛除自由基保护人体细胞的原花青素,还有抗癌的鞣花酸、黄酮、 S0D、多糖等等重要的保健养生医药元素;古时说可食,不入药,虽是古医药在药性成分上的 一个未知,但是,毕竟肯定了可食、可爱,只要吃,就会接受其食疗食补的元素,一定会在现 代中药技术进一步的挖掘、发展和应用中,显露出保健养生防治疾病、促进长寿的重要价 值。

    [0119] 5、覆盆子生药原料之五“根皮”:根皮原料古今的医学价值:

    [0120] (1)中华古医学载明:根皮【气味】苦、平、无毒;【主治】:

    [0121] ①子死腹中不下,破血,妇人赤带下,久患赤白痢脓血,腹痛,杀蛊毒,卒下血。并浓 煮汁饮之,藏器。【附方】血崩不止木莓根四两,酒一碗,煎七分。空心温服。腥仙乾坤生意。洽 妇人崩中及下痢,日夜数起欲死者,以此入腹即活。

    [0122] ②痘后目翳,取根洗捣,澄粉日干,蜜和少许,点于翳丁上,日二三次自散。百日内 治之,久即难疗。时珍。活幼口议。

    [0123] (2)现代医学验证根皮:

    [0124] ①化学成分:根呈单宁,糖类,黄酮苷的反应,含酚类物质及皂苷。

    [0125] ②性味功用:苦,微寒。清热凉血,活血舒筋,散淤止痛,利尿消肿。③主治:感冒发 热咽喉肿痛,咯血吐血,痢疾肠炎,肝炎、肝脾肿大,肾炎水肿,泌尿系感染,结石,月经不调, 白带,风湿骨痛跌打肿痛,外用治湿瘆皮炎。对大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、枯草杆菌抑制较好。处 方用量:每剂用根30〜60g,叶15〜30g。外用适量。

    [0126] 6、覆盆子果籽生药原料之六“果籽”:古时无记载;现代医学检测发现树莓鲜果的 籽实内含不饱和脂肪酸香精油20%左右;百克中分离出的原花青素达23.66克;富含VE、磷 月旨,具有防病及化妆美容功能;另据中国北京电子科技职业学院生物技术系报道:红莓果籽 富含抗癌鞣花酸994mg/kg,S卩百克中含量99.4mg;在制备果汁果酒时被遗弃的大量果籽回 收加工应用于生物医药是个重大发现。

    [0127] 7、覆盆子生药原料之七“托盘”:是花、果生长时的摇篮。该托盘是给花朵绽放和果 实孕育膨大需要营养的供应站和保育盘,自身会储存更多的生物元素和营养成分及其雄雌 激素同蕊;但在以往采摘果食后被遗弃了,托盘中仍存留着多量供给绽放花朵和孕育果实 发育的生物活性元素及营养成分;植物花果托盘的作用,好似动物的胎盘器官!有待深入检 测和应用,不可遗弃。

    [0128] 8、覆盆子生药原料之八“嫩枝杆”:(非根状茎)古今无药用的记载。覆盆子茶园不 结果只产芽叶的茎枝杆,仍存储着营养和生物医药元素,完全可以入药利用,如前苏联用其 枝杆煮汤洗治痔疮;枝杆呈褐灰色,应归脾肾经。

    [0129] 9、废弃物回收利用:遗弃物回收利用,生态环保良性循环,为种植户增值,同时给 公司及农民专业合作社创收做贡献:

    [0130] (1)覆盆子果园的果实采摘销售后,每亩果田遗弃的老枝茎杆约有500公斤左右, 果品加工中产生的渣液废物,都易造成环境污染,可回收机制木炭、纤维板、纸浆;或做沼气 的原料再转化成农村做饭和照明的新能源;其沼气所产的渣液是极好的生物肥料;根茎枝 干、黄叶及小干果可制洗治痔疮的药粉和液体;回收利用形成环境保护的生态良性循环;

    [0131] (2)覆盆子茶园不需结果,只可采叶,采完芽叶入冬前,要剪除大量废弃枝杆,但这 些枝杆内仍储存着专供结莓果的营养素和药素,完全可以制作颗粒饲料的中药添加剂,避 免污染环境。

    [0132] 三、国内外现代科学对覆盆子全株原料已发现的医药元素成分综合报道摘要:

    [0133] (1)鞣化酸抑杀癌细胞:据《中国杨凌农业高新技术产业示范园区》信息中心发布: 美国明尼苏达大学和南卡罗来医科大学贺岭斯癌症中心,研究证实红莓果是一种有效地预 防和治疗癌症的食品;发现红莓果富含抑制、杀死癌细胞的鞣化酸(注:中国也已发现覆盆 子的绿莓药果、树莓果籽也含有丰富的鞣花酸成分),美国科学家实验证实,对乳腺癌、宫颈 癌、结肠癌、胰脏癌有治疗特效;采用自然疗法,每人每天饮用一杯150克红莓果计,能够减 慢人体不正常结肠细胞的生长,可预防人乳头瘤细胞发展为宫颈癌;防止致癌物质在人体 内起作用;还发现红莓果能降低人体白血病细胞浓度。

    [0134] 欧洲医学研究报告指出,红树莓萃取的鞣花丹宁酸可促进伤口愈合、防治心脏疾 病、减少肝囊肿形成,有抗菌及抗病毒的功效。

    [0135] 另据报道:美国丹尼尔•尼克松医生领导的HCI (Hollings Cancer Institute)历 时九年在实验室研制的纯天然补充食品,鞣花酸在子宫颈的乳头状瘤呈现肿瘤细胞凋亡, 且鞣花丹宁酸可以分解血癌细胞;红莓果中的鞣花酸可保护正常细胞对抗烟草尼古丁和食 品添加剂等化学毒害造成的致癌毒素;保护细胞膜(抗自由基)防止细胞变性,是人体内的 卫士。研究证明纯鞣花酸可以有效地在48小时之内抑制癌细胞生长、扩散,72小时之内杀死 癌细胞。

    [0136] ②茶多酚强氧化剂:本发明人是第一个送交中国农业部监测检验证明,覆盆子芽 叶百克中含酚性物元素(即茶多酚等)25.4克,与传统茶科绿茶含量等同,因而具有了北方 茶树的资质;酚性物是强抗氧化生物药剂,能清除过氧化自由基对人体组织和细胞的危害, 预防动脉粥样硬化和促进血栓溶解的作用,这对解决世界性的医学难题一一中老年心脑血 管病有着重大防治价值;覆盆子芽叶中还含有茶多糖(有增强免疫功能)、咖啡因(茶碱),神 经兴奋剂。

    [0137] (3)木莓酮强减肥功能:2003年3月5日中央电视台国际新闻频道报道:〈木莓:肥胖 新克星>:日本发现其木莓酮消耗脂肪的能力是辣椒素的三倍;临床实验显示,70%的减肥 者在一周内体重减轻1公斤;

    [0138] (4)前苏联发现红莓果内有植物性阿司匹林,即防治流感和心脑血管病的药素水 杨酸,百克中含0.5-2.5mg。(注:服用化学合成的阿司匹林有使上消化道出血的风险);

    [0139] (5)雌激素现象:中国医学界在动物实验中发现覆盆子绿药果有植物天然雌激素 现象(注:对女性保护卵巢,减轻更年期反应、延缓衰老,青春常驻有补益;据报道:妇女产前 饮用覆盆子绿药果及叶茶有『助产』和『子宫修补剂』功效,可调整子宫肌肉的松紧度,增加 骨盆的力量,以帮助分娩顺利.产后:因为覆盆子叶中含有可滋补强身、调整体质的类黄碱 素(即类黄酮),所以产妇继续饮用覆盆子绿果及叶茶以帮助子宫恢复并促进乳汁分泌;

    [0140] ⑹富含SOD:超氧化歧化酶,能增强免疫力而预防肿瘤、衰老、辐射;

    [0141] (7)含芳香素和红紫黄白黑果的五彩色素.据报道,具有天然特殊香味的挥发性抗 生素物质51种,红莓芳香食品比任何减肥药物效果都好,无毒副作用;更可喜的是常吃覆盆 子药果茶,不但能帮助减肥,还能帮助人体自行调节自身体质应有的胖瘦安全程度不肥不 瘦,降血脂,降血压;

    [0142] (8)氨基酸:红莓果含有19种氨基酸,总量超过1克%,优于其它水果;且氨基酸种 类齐全,尤其是人体必需的8种氨基酸含量高达320mg/100g,高于苹果、葡萄等一般水果;必 需氨基酸对维持人体正常生理必不可少!但人体非必需氨基酸中的谷氨酸含量为ISOmg/ IOOg,对改进和维持脑功能,发挥着重要作用,尤其是婴幼儿;

    [0143] ⑼有机酸含量超过2克%,主要是柠檬酸和苹果酸,而柠檬酸含量就超过90% ;有 机酸不仅能增强食欲,帮助消化,还可使食物中水溶性B族维生素和维生素C的化学性质稳 定,促进铜、锌和钙的溶解,以利于身体的吸收和利用,增强抗病能力;

    [0144] (10)维生素C和叶酸:其含量分别在百克中为28mg和245yg;叶酸参与蛋氨酸的合 成,缺乏不仅会引起巨幼红细胞性贫血,还与癌症、心脏疾病、中风以及神经管畸形等有关。

    [0145] (11)含糖量:百克中达8-13克(甜度)。其中多糖能提高免疫力外,主要是人体易吸 收的葡萄糖和果糖;覆盆茶叶含总糖6.6%,是传统茶的1.9倍.

    [0146] (12)含微量矿元素:红莓果原汁含高钾低钠、多钙磷铁:百克中含:钙22mg、磷 2211^、镁2011^、钠111^、钾16811^、铁0、911^,锰(助阳)35至220.99微克、硒(抗癌)3-5克、锌(助 阳)0.9克。

    [0147] (13)富含碳水化合物及粗纤维素:分别是10.62%、3〜4.64%;能降低血液胆固 醇,能软化血管,防治心脏病、糖尿病、便秘;

    [0148] (14)黄酮:覆盆子保健养生纯茶叶、红莓果汁、根、绿药果都富含黄酮;芽叶中含黄 铜1.2至1.53克% (是传统绿茶的2.4〜3倍);除利用其抗菌、消炎、抗突变、降压、清热解毒、 镇静、利尿等作用外,在抗氧化、防病,防止肿瘤发生,抑制肿瘤生长、抑制脂肪酶等方面也 有显着效果。黄酮类化合物无毒,人体不能合成,消化很快,需及时补充(如常吃喝覆盆子果 和茶,尤其是覆盆子全草的破壁超细粉);另据报道,类黄酮可以作为一种抗氧化剂抵消自 由基对身体细胞和组织的损害;还具有抗炎、抗过敏、抗病毒,强化细胞膜、使受损细胞再生 等多种功效。

    [0149] (15)花、茎、叶、果有挥发性抗生素:能清新空气(有利于环保),消炎抗病毒,煮水 洗治痔疮等功效;维生素C和E,作为体内重要的抗氧化剂,可清除自由基,增加环境应激能 力等。

    [0150] (16)果籽:A、富含生物医药元素:据报道,百克红莓果籽中含10.7%〜20%油脂, 其中54.5%为亚油酸(18:2);29.1%为€1-亚麻酸(18:3),12%为油酸(18:1),2.7%为饱和 脂肪酸;果籽油具有消炎作用,好于现有的油梨油、葡萄籽油、榛子油和小麦胚油等;促进前 列腺分泌激素;可食、可药、可制化妆品;

    [0151] B、树莓籽还含有丰富的生育酚360mg/100g,主要是γ-生育酚,相当于含维生素E 97mg/100g;

    [0152] C、据现代药理研究证实:树莓种籽百克中还富含原花青素(OPC) 30-60mg。原花青 素具有强抗氧化功能,是VC的20倍,VE的50倍,它能够保护人体细胞和组织免受一种叫做自 由基的有害物质的损伤,还能够增强血管弹性,改善循环系统和增进皮肤的光滑度,抑制炎 症和过敏,改善关节的柔韧性。(据内蒙农大,西南农大,北京农学院提取花青素得率为 11%)

    [0153] D、红莓果的每公斤果籽中还富含能抑制杀灭癌细胞的生物医药元素鞣花酸994mg (包头轻工职工技术学院乳品工程系测定),等于每百克含99.4mg,是抗癌的利器,最好的抗 生素!

    [0154] 另据科技论证,覆盆子果籽内含的生物医药元素,能抗腹泻、抗抑郁、抗癌、抗突 变、抑菌、降血压、清除自由基、促进毛发增长(防秃顶)、提高免疫力、防治慢性疾病、抗衰老 等多种疗效,因此,原花青素多应用于营养保健、化妆品、食品、医药等领域。

    [0155] 四、全株覆盆子功效结论:一种北方茶树发明专利,已把覆盆子的纯芽叶制成药茶 (2004年已经农业部监测检验成功),发明者又把覆盆子根茎,药绿果,红熟果中的维生素、 矿素,色素,香素、药素等天然生药食材,配制成了药果茶茶叶,果酱,果浆,果酒等保健美食 之外,还进一步将其全株生药及其百分之百的养护生命的维生素和百分之百的生物医药活 性元素,单方剂或全方剂达到破壁超细粉,成为药食两用的营养增强型精粉,口含片,冲饮 片,胶囊,冲剂以及成为食品饮品酒品的营养增强型添加剂,将是预防百病,促进健康,青春 常住,延年益寿的仙食神药!是民生大福!在某种意义上说:秦始皇当年寻求“长生不老药” 的遐想,现代人也正在圆梦中!

    [0156] 已知中药覆盆子内含的生物医药元素,其抗生素作用及抗氧化能力和消除致病自 由基、预防心脑血管猝死、梗死,以及食补药疗抗癌等的功效非常强大;可归纳为十大类功 效:

    [0157] ①能补充人体需要的全价维生素:富含于五种颜色的覆盆子树莓果、5种海藻、五 种浆果、五种黑色食品中,是直接维护人体发育生存的必需!

    [0158] ②抗氧化剂茶多酚:是天然防腐保鲜剂;还能祛除致病自由基,有效养护人体组织 和细胞;

    [0159] ③抗氧化、抗衰老、抗辐射的原花青素、VC、VE等元素:富含于成熟果及其果籽中;

    [0160] ④强抗癌鞣花酸:富含于生绿果,成熟果,果籽中;对癌细胞能48小时抑制生长,72 小时杀死!

    [0161] ⑤全株富含抗氧化,消炎,抑菌,抗癌,助阳滋阴的黄酮;另有丰富的C和硒联合抗 癌王之一;

    [0162] ⑥防流感、抗血凝、软化血管的植物性阿司匹林一一水杨酸;富含于生熟莓果及其 枝叶中;

    [0163] ⑦SOD (超氧化物歧化酶):富含于成熟的树莓果中;

    [0164] ⑧全价矿物质微量元素和氨基酸在18味中富含补充人体需要的高钾.低钠.钙. 磷、镁.铁.锰.锌.硒.锗等全价矿物质微量元素;尤其是钾、钙、锌、硒、异黄酮、八种必需氨 基酸、还有精氨酸、牛磺酸、谷氨酸等,总体的食补药疗价值重大!

    [0165] ⑨雌激素现象:含于生绿莓果、芽叶和海藻中;

    [0166] ⑩天然特殊性香味:据报导,绿红黄白(紫)黑五色树莓鲜果及其花叶挥发性香脂 有51种;全株挥发的香甜酸苦辛五味,是覆盆子全草特有的植物挥发性抗生素;

    [0167] 总之,覆盆子全草具有1、挥发性抗生素和消炎解毒、抑杀癌细胞的功能;2、能为人 体补充全价的优质维生素;3、有强抗氧化自由基,保护人体生命根子一一细胞的花青素;

    [0168] 第五个探索探密新发现:一主导四辅助组合五方剂

    [0169] 本发明以11味中药覆盆子为主又增加了7味富C、富硒、富氨基酸的菌藻食物,形成 一个18味的主导方剂,另配伍了 16味生药的四个辅助功能的新方剂,形成一个《一主导四辅 助》的比较全面有效的五行养生祛病延年益寿五方剂组合拳,具有强大的治未病防慢病优 势。现将一主四辅五方剂的生药名称、味数及其归经设计组合如下:

    [0170] —、主导特字1号:《五行覆盆子强抗氧化护细胞养生益寿超细粉》新方剂,全剂生 药原料18味,归入五经:肝心脾肺肾。生药名称是:①绿莓药果、②红莓果自带果籽、③黄莓 果自带果籽、④白泡或紫莓果自带果籽、⑤黑莓果自带果籽、⑥绿芽叶、⑦花果托盘、⑧纯果 籽、⑨花、⑩根皮、⑪嫩茎枝杆。以颜色和药性归五经。其中除①⑥⑩三味系自古至今入药 夕卜,其余8味是本发明新开发入药的生药材料;为了更增强其抗氧化增免疫功能,特选入了 富C富硒富氨基酸的海藻类7味:即⑫有机C王刺梨,(百克含VC2000mg),⑬:有机硒王魔芋粉 (百克含硒363.3微克),⑭.葛根粉(异黄酮12克)、⑮海带(碘、海藻多糖、褐藻胶)、⑯紫菜 (牛磺酸)、⑰海参(海参素皂甙精、精氨酸、古胱肽长寿因子)、⑬墨鱼干(精氨酸8880微 克)。

    [0171] 据医学界的科学家研究论证,有机C和硒联手,八种必需氨基酸与有机牛磺酸、精 氨酸同用,再配入全价维生素和强抗氧化剂,就是一个强力完整的食补食疗、去除自由基、 保护人体细胞、有效降三高、解决心脑血管第一杀手的有力武器!因此本发明提出《三素一 粉斗病魔》的新方案和认知是个好课题!

    [0172] 二、辅助性功能1至4号新方剂的名称、味数、归经的设计及其特色:

    [0173] 覆盆辅助1号方剂:《五行速效五降养生益寿超细粉》新方剂5味=覆盆子全粉+荷 叶+决明子+银杏叶+黑豆;以药性归五经。

    [0174] 覆盆辅助2号方剂:《五行溶栓通养生益寿超细粉》新方剂5味=覆盆子全粉+西红 柿+胡萝卜+燕麦+黑木耳;以颜色和药性归五经。

    [0175] 覆盆辅助3号方剂:《五行食疗溶栓养生益寿超细粉》新方剂5味=覆盆子全粉+大 红枣+生姜+冬菇+黑花生(或黑枸杞);以五色和药性归五经。

    [0176] 覆盆辅助4号方剂:《五行七抗五降养生益寿超细粉》新方剂5味=覆盆子全粉+山 楂片+松针粉+绞股蓝+黑芝麻;以药性和五色归五经。

    [0177] 本五组方剂的主要特色是:按卫生部要求选用了既是食品又是药品的34味中药 材;以覆盆子全株的芽叶、绿药果、五色树莓浆果、根茎11+7味=18味为主导方剂;又选用了 16味人们日常食用的浆果类、黑色食品类、蔬菜类、可食生药类分为四个辅助性方剂,形成 “覆盆C硒菌藻1主导4辅助”的组合拳,主含全价维生素和多种生物医药活性元素茶多酚、鞣 花酸、黄酮、SOD、花青素、水杨酸、有机Vc、有机硒、有机锌、雌激素现象、八种必需氨基酸和 半需精氨酸、牛磺酸;(但人体非必需氨基酸中的谷氨酸含量对改进和维持脑功能,发挥着 重要作用,尤其是婴幼儿);

    [0178] 主要功能:强抗氧化去除自由基对人体正常细胞的损害,合力阻断人体细胞、组 织、器官的过氧化而招致的病变、癌变、五高、心脑血管病;以五行学说,中华医术,采用破壁 超细粉粉碎加工中药新制剂的纳米新技术,以求达到中药节材增效强抗氧化、护细胞、增免 疫、降五高、免心肌猝死、免脑梗死,达到益寿延年幸福人生的目的!

    [0179] 第六个探索探密新发现:五行学说理念生药归经养生

    [0180] 探索五行学说《金木水火土》与中华医药理论、生药归入经络、保护人体细胞与心 肝脾肺肾五脏六腑的奥秘;选用了药食兼用的34味生药分别配伍组成“覆盆C硒菌藻特1号 主导和4辅助”五行组合新方剂;

    [0181] 发明人在对前一个北方代茶树中药覆盆子药果茶专利技术持续深入研发完善过 程中,又惊奇地悟出避高温的制剂新技术之外,又发现覆盆子中药材有五形《花、果、叶、茎、 根》、五果、五色《绿色莓果(含绿芽叶)、红色莓果(含紫色莓果)、黄色莓果、白色莓果(含白 花)、黑色莓果;五味辣(麻)、酸、咸(香)、苦(湿)、甜》;五种系统主要功能补气、解毒、排毒、 抗氧化、增免疫缓衰老与“天人合一”,天然相合;与中华五行学说《金木水火土》及中华医药 文化的调理五脏六腑关系深奥密合而相对应的理念;推出了数款五行养生益寿新组方、新 制剂、药食两用的破壁超细粉新食品等;

    [0182] 第七个探秘探索新发现:中华医药传承必须与改革创新同行

    [0183] 新组方生药及其制剂加工必须采用三步法新技术:1、材料必须优质、去杂、净化; 2、低温微米破碎干燥;3、低温纳米破壁超细粉粉碎。从而打造中药抗氧化保细胞“三素一粉 斗病魔的《三五》组合新医术和五行五组方五成果的超微细粉破壁高效中药新品牌。

    [0184] 以何种科学的新组方?以何种新技术制备新制剂?以哪些真实、合法、价廉、高效、 药食兼具的新产品供给国民分享养生益寿?怎样才能切实达到最有效地发挥中药覆盆子一 主四副五方剂34味的抗生杀菌灭毒、补营养、抗氧化抗癌、保护细胞、增免疫、降五高、除慢 病、助长寿的积极效能?!这些问题都是本发明必须解决的核心课题!

    [0185] 据报道:中成药破壁超微细粉制剂与传统高温粗黑苦制剂相比,前者具有更好的 物理性能、生物技术的药物活性,因而一定会成为未来中成药新方剂、新技术、新制剂、新产 品、新疗效的改革发展的主导方向!

    [0186] 现阶段,世界上较为先进的破壁超微细粉粉碎技术,能够对原生态中药材植物细 胞实施破壁级超细粉碎,这已促使传统中医药进入现代化医学理论和技术改革的主要课题 和方向。因为这一医术可以把原生药材由常规的高温熬煮、粗粉制粒、丸、散、膏、丹,片等传 统制剂,逐渐提高到超微粉—超细粉的细度,并保证中药材细胞破壁率逐渐提高到95%以 上,药物粒子的大小及粉体的结构是提高药物的释放、吸收及其药性的充分发挥的重要因 素,可望能因此而彻底改变中药疗效好但疗效慢、时效短、费药材的历史老难题。

    [0187] 完善中药制剂工艺,必须引入超微细粉破壁粉碎的先进技术,从药材的有机种植 —净选—炮制—干燥粉碎—定量包装等过程,可由封闭式自动化生产线完成,因为中药经 过超微细粉碎破壁处理后,其粒度更加细微均匀,比表面积增加,孔隙率增大,药物能较好 地分散、溶解在胃肠液里,且与胃肠粘膜的接触面积增大,更易被胃肠道吸收,进入流动的 血液达到全身,从而大大提高了生物医药活性元素的利用率及其时效,并能体现为:①“三 效”(高效、速效、长效);②“三小”(毒性小、副作用小、服用剂量小);③“五方便”(配伍、月艮 用、携带、贮存、运输);④“五少”(能使群众少患病、少吃药、少住院、少花钱、少受罪);⑤“三 好”(健康、长寿、全家幸福);

    [0188] 从而加快了中华医学理论及其医术赶超西方医学,保证中药药业生产企业的可持 续发展,并有望彻底打破国际市场对中华医药的壁垒而飞向世界,为全球人民健康长寿服 务,更具有十分重要的现实意义和现代医学价值。

    [0189] 因此,本发明中医抗氧化保细胞“三素一粉”斗病魔的《三五》组合新医术,决定采 用超微细粉碎破壁制剂新技术,实现其防病抗癌免疫五行养生益寿新方剂、新技术、新制 剂、新产品、新功效的组合拳新疗法,以达到济世救民,长寿百岁之目的!

    [0190] 覆盆子植物本身全株11味生药组方材料,由于同根吸地气,同脉享阳光,各味之间 只有相生合力,不会相克抵消或变异;由于这11味生药材都是覆盆子植物的同根生,味味都 能补营养、防疫病,合剂合力,其生物药力会更强大更集中,药效会更高,是必然的“五行覆 盆子养生益寿主、辅方剂组合”的超细粉新品牌。

    [0191] 虽然在覆盆子的药理和用材上十分有利于组成一个新方剂,但从超微细粉的深加 工工艺流程上分析,仍有一些物理、化学上的不同形态和性质差异而会显现一些难题,必须 研究解决:

    [0192] ①覆盆子已成熟的五种五色鲜果内有84%的水分,增加了干燥难度;

    [0193] ②鲜果含糖分8〜13%,在方剂中用鲜果料所占比例较多,又有果胶,其粘度较大, 超微细粉易于聚合而不易分散;

    [0194] ③果籽内不饱和脂肪酸约含20 %左右,其脂肪有助于生药材中的胡萝卜素A、西红 柿红色素及各种脂溶性元素的释放溶融化合,但也会影响超细粉粒的分散性;

    [0195] ④每个鲜果聚合着几十颗籽实相互聚合连接在一起,每颗籽实又被丰富的果肉果 汁和果皮包裹,但我们在直接加工超微细粉时,当然也可不必将果肉与果籽分离,可将原果 带着原籽一起粉碎,但其干燥度要在低温下达到4-5 %就是一个新问题;

    [0196] ⑤果和叶采摘前后都会附着微细灰尘和看不见的致病细菌,或来自邻近农田喷施 农药的污染,这些都须清洗消毒排除;

    [0197] ⑥以免产生维生素、药素等热敏元素的失效,全草不能高温灭酶、软化、杀青的热 处理;

    [0198] ⑦由于以上诸原因,在制剂的选材、配方、净化、干燥、消毒、数量比率等方面都必 须合理,工艺流程必须科学,生产及包装设备必须先进适用;

    [0199] ⑧在加工过程中,全部营养维生素及生物医药元素必须能得到保全,使已知的或 未知的生物医药活性元素尽量做到不流失、不失效!有利于提高数据化的生产技术管理及 其增强产品质量、效用的稳定性;更重要的是能充分发挥生物技术在单方和复方中药材全 料入药的应用,又能辨证施治,标本兼治以本为主的守恒定律,以及发挥中华医药文化千古 实践的宝贵经验;

    [0200] ⑨由于增加了富硒魔芋粉和富含异黄酮的葛根粉,其淀粉粘性较大,再从微粉转 为破壁超细粉粉碎,及其冲饮时的分散性与其配料量有多大关系?尚待试验解决;

    [0201] 本发明中药覆盆子主方加辅助组方全料破壁超微细粉的实现“五新” S卩:新方剂、 新技术、新制剂、新产品、新功效,在尚无先例的经验可借鉴之前,必须创新解决本发明应用 破壁超微细粉新技术加工的工艺流程这一关键课题:要坚守《中医中药必须以生物医药技 术为主导的全方剂破壁超细粉制剂和加减入药、辨证施治、治本为主、快速增强疗效的现代 中医药生命科学的创新发展方向》!

    [0202] 具体实施方案为了完成本发明中药“三素一粉”保细胞活百岁三五组合新医术 综合系统工程,必须按《五步实施》(亦称五步走)的定位实施路线及其工艺流程进行,也是 五个具体的实施举例。

    [0203] 《五步实施举例》的工序流程提纲:

    [0204] 第一步:实施“三论定位”:

    [0205] 1、必须找准认准当前危及人民健康和生命的严重性的定位;

    [0206] 2、必须找准认准当前使人体患病的罪魁祸首及其根源的定位:

    [0207] 3、必须找准认准有效的医疗技术路线和主攻方向的定位

    [0208] 第二步:完整设计五行益寿五方剂组合;

    [0209] 第三步:前期制备微米级粗粉(1000目)制剂的工艺流程;

    [0210] 第四步:制备五行益寿五方剂破壁超细粉新制剂工艺流程及创新的新方案;

    [0211] 第五步:设计五行五方剂益寿超细粉新产品品牌的制备。

    [0212] 现分解并落实《五步实施》定位的实施举例,其工序步骤如下:

    [0213] 实施例一(即第一步)“三论定位法”:必须首先明确发现和论证本发明的三个主 攻目标,以求有的放矢地设计出最有效的形成“三素一粉斗病魔”的一个五行学说+五新方 剂+五新成果的《三五》组合拳,从病根上防治和狠打目前的病魔杀手!

    [0214] —、本发明首要任务是必须找准认准当前危及人民健康和生命的严重性:

    [0215] 当今最影响人类健康长寿的是因细胞失活,招致“三高加两高”一一高氧化自由 基、尚血脂血黏、尚血压、尚血糖、尚胆固醇。这“五尚”又是连锁弓丨发心脑血管病、糖尿病、癌 症、免疫力失活、中老年慢性病,杂症顽疾等,其罪魁祸首就是过氧化自由基! 一切患病根源 就是机体各部位的细胞的细胞膜被损伤,失去御敌自卫能力,病毒病菌便冲破免疫防线,产 生细胞病变、癌变,直至夺取人体的健康和生命!

    [0216] 据报导:每年世界死于心脑血管病就有1530万人,占总死亡人数的四分之一,是全 世界最大的疾病和死亡杀手;

    [0217] 据中国卫生部曾公布的《中国居民健康与营养状况调查》,全国有1.6亿人患高血 压(八个人中就有一人),患糖尿病4000万人,血脂异常人群1.6亿,超重人群达2亿人,肥胖 人群6000万,其中每年约有260万体肥超重人死于心脑血管疾病(平均12秒就死一人),而且 日趋年轻化;

    [0218] 关于病患年轻化的报道:我国2 9〜3 6岁患心肌梗塞的占全部心肌梗塞病人的 10% ;其中30〜40%已有高血压症状;20%已有动脉硬化症状;预计到2020年30〜40岁的人 群患心梗病人将达到900万人,加上其它年龄段的心肌梗塞病人,将可能达到4000万人;心 肌梗塞多半会发展为心力衰竭,会在五年内死亡;患心脏病人的医疗花费是癌证的两倍。

    [0219] 二、必须找准认准当前使人患病的罪魁祸首及其根源的定位:就是要在继续严密 防治致病要命的病菌和病毒的同时,更要把产生百病根源的过氧化自由基直接损伤人的命 根子一一细胞的罪魁祸首,当做主攻靶子狠打,

    [0220] 所以说,过氧化自由基残害了人的生命根子细胞,又连锁造成大脑细胞、心肌细 胞、血管内皮细胞过多凋亡、斑块、堵塞、硬化,甚至破裂,酿成心肌梗死、心力衰竭,脑溢血、 脑梗、脑萎缩,老年痴呆、糖尿病,使人致残致死!已成为威胁健康和生命的“头号杀手” !这 就是一场卫生医疗科学战线积极消灭病魔,保护人民生命安全的人民战争!也是本发明要 医生患者和科技联手,以常态方式,用治未病手段,采取中药覆盆子破壁超细粉《三五》组合 新疗法,成为强攻致病的罪魁祸首自由基和杀灭现代病第一杀手心脑血管病这个病魔的新 武器!

    [0221] 三、必须找准认准有效的医疗技术路线和主攻方向的定位:

    [0222] 本发明就是要把富含多种抗生元素、食补的全价维生素、强抗氧化剂和保健养生 活性生物医药元素的“一主四副34味五组合”方剂,全部粉碎成超微细粉,以便达到不失掉 任何一点维生素和能防疫治病的生物医药元素,同时达到破壁后更易于人体吸收增效,随 饮水及胃液被快速吸收,能立即进入血管随血液流入五脏六腑直击病灶,直接发挥其食补 药疗调和五脏六腑的药性,并充斥于全身,保护好人体细胞,快速提升免疫力,抗老延寿。

    [0223] “一主四副34味五组合”方剂,既可按方剂分别加工成破壁超细粉新制剂,合力治 未病,促进健康养生长寿;但也可把34味生药,分别单独进行破壁超细粉粉碎加工,以适应 对不同的健康状况辩证加减、灵活有效的施治;比如:购买力低的患者也可对症选择其中一 种或几种有关的超细粉服用。又如:需要经常补充维生素营养的,可选用覆盆子的一种或数 种树莓果破壁超细粉;患癌症者,就可选择含抗癌元素鞣花酸、有机硒和Vc多的五种红树莓 果、绿药果、果籽、刺梨、魔芋的超细粉;再如,免疫力不高的人群,就应选择含抗氧化元素多 的覆盆子茶(茶多酸),果籽(花青素),葛根(黄酮)及海藻类的超细粉;单剂选用;当然,一体 多病者、慢性病、五高、心脑血管病较重者,就应服用覆盆子“一主四辅”的34味生药组成的 五组方剂破壁超细粉,就更得力。

    [0224] 实施例二:

    [0225] (即第二步)本发明针对已发现和论证的病魔杀手、致病根源、防治的技术路线和 方案,特别设计了“一主导18剂+四辅助16剂”《三五》组合方案:

    [0226] (—)、设计了覆盆子加海藻素特1号主导《五行覆盆子强抗氧化养生益寿》新方剂: 名称、配比、功效、归经(特1号表)



    [0229] 覆盆子特1号覆盆C硒海藻功能摘要:十大生物医药元素;

    [0230] 1、全价营养维生素:挥发性抗生素多含于五色树莓果及其全株中;魔芋百克中含 蛋白65克,刺梨百克中含微C/2000mg;百克葛根粉中富含异黄酮12克;

    [0231] 2、抗氧化增免疫的茶多酚、多糖、氨基酸、VC、茶碱、黄酮等,富含于芽叶中;

    [0232] 3、抗衰老、抗辐射、消炎解毒的亚油酸、亚麻酸(富含增强人体细胞活力的欧米茄 3),富含于果籽油中;有五种黑色食品富含强抗氧化自由基的花青素;

    [0233] 4、强抗癌鞣花酸,富含于生绿莓药果、五色树莓果、果籽中;

    [0234] 5、强抗氧化剂能去除自由基的茶多酚、原花青素,富含于树莓果、芽叶、及果籽种;

    [0235] 6、植物阿司匹林水杨酸:富含于绿莓药果中;

    [0236] 7、S㈤(超氧化物歧化酶)富含于五色树莓果中;

    [0237] 8、矿物质微量元素:富含于全株;魔芋百克中含硒363.3微克;

    [0238] 9、雌雄激素分别含于覆盆子绿果、魔芋粉和海藻中;

    [0239] 10、四种海藻:八种必须氨基酸及半需和缺少的精氨酸、牛磺酸、谷氨酸等多含于 海藻食品中;覆盆子全粉的基本功能:

    [0240] 1、抗氧化剂:茶多酚、花青素、黄酮、树莓籽油;2、抗癌抗病毒的黄酮、鞣化酸、水杨 酸、S0D; 3、雌激素现象;4、全价维生素;5、五降;6.抗辐射、防甲亢、降压、降糖、抗癌、治冠 病、补钙、减肥、抗老、防乳癌;7、抗氧化的茶多酚、花青素能去除自由基;

    [0241] (二)本发明设计配伍的覆盆辅助功能的16味生药与覆盆子全粉组成四个新方剂 如下

    [0242] ♦覆盆子辅助新方剂1号为《五行速效五降养生益寿超细粉》

    [0243] 表1:生药名称、配比、功效、归经


    [0245] ♦覆盆子辅助新方剂2号《五行溶栓通养生益寿超细粉》

    [0246] 表2:生药名称、配比、功效、归经

    [0248] 主要功能:1、抗衰老、抗痴呆、抗氧化2、降压、降脂、降糖、降血粘3、防冠心病、软化 血管、溶血栓4、减肥、通便、明目

    [0249] ♦覆盆子辅助新方剂3号《五行速效五降养生益寿超细粉》

    [0250] 表3:生药名称、配比、功效、归经


    [0253] 主要功能:

    [0254] I、抗辐射,抗癌;降血压,降胆固醇,降血脂,降解诸毒;

    [0255] 2、防甲亢,防治冠心病,防乳癌,访骨疏松,防脑缺血,防胆结石,防脑动脉硬化,防 脑梗塞,防痴呆。

    [0256] ♦覆盆子辅助新方剂4号《五行八抗五降养生益寿超细粉》

    [0257] 表4:生药名称、配比、功效、归经


    [0260]实施例三(即第三步)将主导型方剂和辅助型方剂分做一组二组制备干粗粉(微 粉1000目):

    [0261] 第一组:覆盆子+C硒海藻主导型特字1号《五行覆盆子强抗氧化养生益寿超细粉》 每味生药的配比分别加工干粗粉(微米)后再分别加工超细粉

    [0263] 覆盆子主导方剂的18味生药名称排序及用干料剂量以百分比计量:覆盆子全草11 味比重已占到65% (其中五种莓果占到30%);海藻类占到20%;Vc、硒、异黄酮占15%;原湿 料分别进行净化、干燥、粉碎处理;粉碎设备选用“不锈钢水冷式中药材粗微粉粉碎机”,其 粗粉细度可达30目至1000目,加工量120至700kg/小时/台。

    [0264] 对覆盆子主导方剂18味生药主原料的五行归经、净化、干燥、粗粉、超细粉制备的 工艺流程等,特作了如下设计:

    [0265] 1、覆盆子原料1:①号生药绿莓药果制备干粗粉(或超微粉)的工艺流程:收购优质 无霉的干或鲜绿莓药果—过筛—手拣去杂—8(TC漂烫鲜果3分钟灭酶失活—机甩脱水—60 °(:低温烘干至含水4〜5%—粗粉碎达30〜1000目—装袋库存。

    [0266] 据报道,覆盆子绿药果中含抗癌鞣花酸、黄酮、植物雌激素现象、Vc等;还有补肾壮 阳滋阴补虚的矿物微量元素锰35〜221微克/百克;

    [0267] 2、覆盆子原料2:成熟的红、黄、白+紫、黑树莓鲜果,分别排号为:②号红莓浆果;③ 号黄莓浆果;④号白泡或紫莓果;⑤号黑莓浆果;成熟度8至9成,分别采摘和加工,其干粗粉 制备工艺流程根据来料状况略有不同:

    [0268] A、大量收购鲜莓果原料—手拣去杂—入臭氧消毒室分层装盘(5公分厚)上架杀菌 消毒20分钟左右—装袋装箱(5公斤)—送冷库储存备用;

    [0269] B、取冻果原料(自带果籽)—入打浆搅拌机破碎制成浆泥—桶装或不锈钢罐装密 封—送入〇 °C至5 °C冷藏库储存备用;

    [0270] C、若混制粗果粉,将果浆与覆盆子的其他干粗粉一起倒入特制的带剪切刀的有夹 层加热的高速搅拌罐内制备成混合干粗粉后,再送去制备破壁超细粉;

    [0271] D、若不经过制干粗粉加工工艺:将冻鲜果解冻—进入破壁超细粉粉碎机—采取湿 法破壁超细粉碎—采取热风加喷雾的干燥工艺—若出现干粉结块现象—将干粉回机再超 细粉碎一次。

    [0272] 据报导,鲜莓果含黄酮1.2至1.53克/%;在120克红莓鲜果中可提取出抑杀癌细胞 的鞣花酸35.2mg,鞣化酸对治疗结肠癌、宫颈癌、乳腺癌和胰脏癌有特效;日服150克红莓果 汁,就能预防人体正常细胞癌变。生物提取的鞣花酸注入人体后,42小时抑制癌细胞停止生 长转移,72小时可杀死;还含有超氧化物歧化酶SOD等多种生物医药元素;树莓果含有特殊 香味,有挥发性抗生素成分51种;具有防腐作用的抗生素物质,树莓果含纤维素3克%,有助 于防治心脏病,还可降低血液中胆固醇,也有助于防治糖尿病,降低二氧化碳进入血液,以 维持血液中葡萄糖的水平,还能通便;树莓果每100克含有0.5〜25毫克的水杨酸,能降血 粘,软化血管,也是防治感冒、流感、咽喉炎的良好降热药,果籽内亚油酸和亚麻酸,有丰富 的强抗氧化剂原花青素,其功效分别是VC和VE的20〜50倍。

    [0273] 3、覆盆子原料3:⑥号生药绿芽叶制备干粗粉(或超微粉)的工艺流程:采摘或收购 覆盆子鲜芽叶(一芽带1〜3叶、中叶、大叶)—均匀摊放在慢速向前运行的有筛土漏水孔眼 的传送带上,两边有人工手拣去杂(该行程2-4米)—进入3米长的半封闭的清水淋洗通道 —进入左、右、上三面不锈钢网状半封闭通道—由传送带下面吹入100度蒸汽灭酶杀青—继 续向前运行3分钟—进入网状通道从传送带的大量风眼下面吹入80度热风干燥通道—干叶 子达含水4〜5 %—可直接进入破壁超细粉粉碎机粉碎—按大小包真空包装入库。

    [0274] 覆盆子芽叶茶的元素功能:曾经中国农业部检测,覆盆子干芽叶百克中内含:强抗 氧化剂酚性物(茶多酚等)25.4克,与传统绿茶等量(大叶中含量更高);生物碱0.3克,比传 统绿茶少四分之三,饮后仍感兴奋愉悦,缓解疲劳,虽含量较少,但能保护脑神经不会因过 于刺激兴奋而失眠;黄酮1.2克,比传统茶高出2.4倍;总糖(多糖等)6.6克,是传统茶的1.9 倍;VcO.02克。覆盆子茶是中国北方16省市增添产茶经济的空白项(注:南方茶树在北方零 下17°C左右会冻死,而覆盆子能耐零下40°〇。本发明特将原北方茶树中药覆盆子专利药果 茶,经继续研发升级为五行养生益寿破壁超细粉覆盆子纯叶茶和复合药果茶,含树莓花、芽 叶、托盘、药绿果、熟果、根茎等原料,经破壁超细粉碎,成为养生益寿的功能茶的新品,又为 北方直至全国发展功能茶经济,开辟了经济技术和民生健康产业发展的新台阶。

    [0275] 据报道:孕妇产前产后喝覆盆子茶,因为覆盆子叶中含有可滋补强身、调整体质的 类黄碱素(即类黄酮),产前起到助孕保胎顺产;产后还有恢复子宫及催乳的作用;如服用覆 盆子破壁超细粉养生益寿纯叶茶和复合药果茶,其功效会更好;

    [0276] 4、覆盆子原料4:⑦号生药托盘:(是生长花蕾和果实的营养盘):制备干粗粉(或超 微粉)工艺流程:手拣去杂洗净除尘—机甩脱水—低温40〜60°C烘干—花托体积小免粉碎 可直接包袋备用;

    [0277] 托盘是花和果生长的座盘,一般被遗弃在结果枝上;植物托盘类似动物的胎盘作 用(胎盘含胎盘素),植物花果托盘内所含生物元素应检测利用,不应遗弃。

    [0278] 5、覆盆子原料5:⑧号生药果籽:果籽制备干粗粉(超微粉)工艺流程:回收果籽— 手工去杂—细筛去土—低温40〜60°C烘干至含水4〜5%—小果籽不必粗粉碎—装袋备用。

    [0279] 功能元素:果籽中富含不饱和脂肪酸20 %左右;主要是亚麻酸富含欧米茄3和强抗 氧化剂原花青素994mg/kg (即百克中含99.4mg);维生素E含量高,磷脂含量达2.7mg%,具有 抗氧化、强力去除损害细胞致癌多病的自由基、消炎、防晒、滋润、促长发等功能。同时对方 剂内的脂溶性元素如胡罗卜素、西红柿红色素等都有很好的溶融效应;

    [0280] 6、覆盆子原料6:⑨号生药是各色花(瓣和蕾):制备干粗粉(或超微粉)工艺流程: ①采摘花蕾(茶园不让座果的花蕾);②采摘花瓣(授粉座果前后)将上述两种花料,分别按 下述工艺流程操作制备:手拣去杂(为保护花粉,切勿水洗)—进烘干室上网盘,摊开厚约5 厘米—分层摆在不锈钢框架上—40°C微风风干至含水4〜5%—装袋备用。

    [0281] 7、覆盆子原料7:⑩号生药根皮制备干粗粉(或超微粉)的工艺流程:

    [0282] ①挖根—②结果后把老枝干的皮剥下—分别冲洗彻底去除沙土—机甩脱水—用 剪切机切成3至5厘米短截—低温60°C烘干达含水分4〜5%—进入粉碎机达30〜1000目— 装袋备用。

    [0283] 根皮的功能元素:①根呈单宁、糖类、黄酮苷的反应,含酚类物质及皂苷;②性味功 用:苦,微寒。清热凉血,活血舒筋,散淤止痛,利尿消肿。③主治:内服:治感冒发热咽喉肿 痛,咯血吐血,痢疾肠炎,治湿瘆皮炎,护肝;对大肠杆菌,沙门氏菌,枯草杆菌抑制较好。

    [0284] 8、覆盆子原料8: (11)号生药嫩茎枝干制备干粗粉(或超微粉)的工艺流程:

    [0285] 茶园只为采摘覆盆子芽叶而不让结果,秋季被遗弃的茎枝杆中的白色海绵状物, 仍存储着供应开花结果的生物营养医药元素,应开发药用(前苏联就用其煮汤洗治痔疮)— 切成3〜5公分的小段—水冲洗掉泥沙—烘干或风干至含水4〜5%—粉碎成粗粉30至1000 目(或直接破壁超细粉粉碎)但覆盆子果园摘果后的枝干内的营养白瓤已耗尽,已木质化的 粗纤维,可废物利用用作制木炭、纸浆、沼气及其生物肥料,有利生态环保和增收利润。

    [0286] 9、将上述已分别加工成覆盆子粗粉(或超微粉)的6味生药4味果浆1味果籽,可单 剂单独加工破壁超细粉,也可混合干燥后再加工破壁超细粉;现将混合干燥的工艺列举如 下

    [0287] 以上覆盆子6种粗干粉及干果籽和干花原料先行投入有夹层的立式不锈钢搅拌 罐,罐盖开闭可调、有粉粒和气体过滤袋的排湿气孔—中速充分搅拌10分钟混合均匀—降 至低速把全部鲜果浆泥从加料斗缓慢倒入罐内—封闭后再中速变高速搅拌10分钟混合均 匀—再降至中低速继续搅拌—同时打开有过滤粉袋的排湿孔—同时在外夹层中通入60〜 80°C蒸汽或热水加热蒸发干燥至含水4〜5% —出罐装入塑袋备用。

    [0288] 另有7味有机粉、C、硒、菌藻原料都已是粗干粉剂,其主要成分功能已与覆盆子全 株11味生药组合成《覆盆C硒海藻》主导型1号18味方剂,增强了抗氧化增免疫益寿延年的功 效!也是前一项发明专利100601201《一种北方代茶树的覆盆子植物原料及其保健养生药果 茶的生产方法》在技术和功效上的延伸、升级版;尤其是破壁超细粉保健养生的功能更强!

    [0289] 第二组:辅助型四个方剂分别加工干粗粉(或超微粉1000目)编号是第1、2、3、4号

    [0290] #1号辅助方剂《五行速效五降益寿超细粉》生药名称,净化,干燥,加工,配比,功 會泛(€——)

    [0292] 覆盆辅助1号方剂制备粗粉(或超微粉)的工艺流程:

    [0293] 采购四味优质生药原料—采取分别低温烘干(含水4〜5%)—分别粉碎达30〜 1000目备用;主要成分及功能(包括覆盆C硒海藻主导一号的全粉)

    [0294] (1)含强抗氧化剂茶多酚、花青素、黄酮、覆盆果籽油、强抗氧化,提高免疫力。

    [0295] (2)抗炎抗病毒、抗甲亢、抗癌:有黄酮、鞣花酸、牛黄素、大黄素,大黄酸。

    [0296] (3)四降:降脂、降糖、降压、降血粘、降胆固醇。

    [0297] ⑷血液血管:预防动脉硬化、缓解心绞痛、调节动脉静脉毛细血管,治疗心脑血管 疾病、急性脑梗死、糖尿并发症、抑制血小板活化因子;抗病毒防治艾滋病、白血病、骨病。

    [0298] (5)补充全价维生素;有动植物雄雌激素的补肾壮阳、滋阴补虚助孕、安胎、顺产、 通乳。

    [0299] •覆盆2号辅助新方剂:《五行食补药疗养生益寿超细粉》

    [0300] 生药名称、配比、净化、干燥、粗粉(或超微粉1000目)加工流程(表三)


    [0304] 主要功效:补充维生素、抗氧化、抗前列腺癌、抗衰老、抗痴呆;降血压、降血脂、降 血糖、降血粘、防治冠心病、软化血管、溶化血栓;减肥、通便、明目。

    [0305] •覆盆辅助3号新方剂:《五行八防五降养生益寿超细粉》

    [0306] 生药名称、配比、净化、干燥、粗粉(或超微粉1000目)加工流程(表三)

    [0308] 覆盆辅助3号新方剂;制备粗粉(或超微粉1000目的工艺流程:

    [0309] 1、五料混合干燥粉碎:①覆盆子全粉—②于红枣洗尘、除核、切碎—③加入于姜片 —④加入干香菇、冬菇—⑤加入黑花生或黑枸杞—进入立式有夹层、罐盖开闭可调、有排湿 气孔及粉粒过滤袋、搅拌兼剪切的罐中、高速破碎—同时在外夹层中通入70〜80度蒸汽或 热水循环加温蒸发干燥,(罐内温度60度)—缓缓加入覆盆子全粉—全料混合搅拌于燥至含 水4〜5%—料粒度达30〜1000目—出罐装袋备用。

    [0310] 2、也可根据配伍需要,五味生药分别单剂干燥制粗粉;

    [0311] 主要功能:⑴八防:防甲亢、防衰老、防乳癌、防冠心病、防骨质疏松、防胆结石、防 脑梗、防痴呆;(2)溶血栓,软化血管;(3)补充维生素;⑷五降:降血压、降血糖、降血脂、降 血粘、降胆固醇:

    [0312] •覆盆辅助4号新方剂《五行八抗五降养生益寿超细粉》组合

    [0313] 生药名称、配比、净化、干燥、粗粉(或超微粉1000目)加工流程(表4)

    [0315] 注:五种生药材原料若不是已处理的粗粉,应分别经过水洗除尘低温干燥—分别 破碎至30〜1000目(粗粉或超微粉)—含水分4〜5%—分别装塑袋入库备用。

    [0316] 主要功效:1、八抗:抗氧化,抗病菌,抗病毒,抗辐射,抗癌,抗衰老,抗痴呆,抗精神 分裂;

    [0317] 2、五降:降血压,降血糖,降胆固醇,降血脂,降解重金属;

    [0318] 上述粗粉(或超微粉1000目)加工工艺总结如下:

    [0319] 1、把第一组覆盆子主导型特字1号组方的18味生药,和第二组四个辅助组方的16 味生药分别单剂加工成了干粗粉(超微粉),为加工超细粉作了充分准备;

    [0320] 2、其工艺流程总结如下:

    [0321] ①原料分别准备(已是粗粉状的分别另存)—②手拣去杂—分别水洗、净化、淋干 (注:鲜芽叶材料,须在80度热水中漂烫3分钟,进行灭酶和杀去青草味)—③分别剪切成3〜 5公分小段—④有浆果材料需打浆另备—⑤净化后第一次低温烘干或风干至含水分4〜5% —⑥臭氧消毒杀菌—⑦可分别单剂或复方混合加工粗粉(或超微粉)30-1000目—⑧浆料可 单独中温烘干,也可加入搅拌罐与粗粉混合加热第二次再干燥至含水4〜5 % —准备送去加 工超细粉。

    [0322] 从备料到完成34味生药的粗粉加工,此超细粉的前期粗粉技术工艺路线适宜原有 技术设备的老厂家采纳生产。

    [0323] 实施例四(即第四步):将干粗粉加工成破壁超细粉,设计了三种技术路线,可任 选一种:

    [0324] •第1号超细粉加工技术路线:很适于利用原有设备的食品厂和制药厂等老厂接 产先制备干粗粉(或超微粉1000目),再加工破壁超细粉。优点是省投资,易上马,产销快;

    [0325] (—)设备启动:开动已有的适用于中药材破壁超细粉碎的机器设备;

    [0326] (二)超细粉加工工艺流程及加工标准:

    [0327] 1、将第二步已加工合格的各方剂的粗粉(或1000目超微粉),按组方排序分次、分 别单独加工—将粗粉送入料斗—必要时可加入食品分散剂1〜10%左右(使用国家认定的 食品表面分散剂)—设定细度为能使细胞完全破壁的120至500纳米(约等于10〜4万目)— 启动机器定时、定粒度自动粉碎—机内温控30°C左右—停机取样目测检验—已加分散剂的 再停机取样冲入透明玻璃杯温水或凉水内,目测无漂浮物,无沉淀物,色香味与原料相符— 检验合格真空包装.

    [0328] 2、按用途和用量分大小袋包装:

    [0329] (1)、按用途做大小袋包装:①用茶杯现冲现饮的,可用1克任意一种超细粉做小包 装;②瓶装矿泉水、纯净水、饮料可按净水与超细粉之比1〇〇:1〜3使用小包装配制成营养性 饮料;③配兑营养型白酒,按100:2〜5配入五个方剂的任意一种超细粉;④大包装按2.5公 斤包装,供给加工饮品食品药品的厂家做原料用;

    [0330] (2)、包装材料的质量要求及其工艺程序:①小包装内外各一层即可;内层用无静 电无毒塑袋,真空密封包装,外层用印有说明书和商标的铝箱袋真空密封;②大包装内1塑 袋装超细粉真空密封—将内1塑袋装入内2塑袋再真空密封—再装入第一个铝箱袋真空密 封—最后再装入印有产品说明、商标、产厂的无毒无静电的塑袋一般性封口—经质检人员 盖章签字—分别品种和规格装箱入商品库,办理交接手续。

    [0331] 3、送样检验:食品和药品安全监督检验机构到库抽样,按国家食品药品卫生安全 标准检验认证,出具检验合格认证书,进入新产品再加工或直接进入市场销售。

    [0332] •第2号超细粉技术路线即带料外加工:适宜资金短缺者选用;需具备三个条件: 1、投资方必须委托能净化中药材原料和低温粉碎干粗粉至30〜1000目的加工厂家;2、外协 加工超细粉的厂家必须是低温生产高能纳米物理冲击粉碎机的生产厂家,有足够的机械和 技术,按单剂单方分别加工成34味破壁超细粉产品;3、投资方采取委托外加工后,自行经营 和配置本发明的主导四辅助两大类核心方剂的同时,还能将34种超细粉分别配伍成多种新 广品;

    [0333] 其单剂破壁超细粉产品的名单是:

    [0334] A、覆盆子主导方剂18味覆盆子生药单剂破壁超细粉名单:①绿莓药果,②红莓果, ③黄莓果,④白泡或紫莓果,⑤黑莓果,⑥绿芽叶,⑦花果托盘,⑧纯果籽,⑨花蕾花瓣,⑩根 皮,(11)嫩茎枝杆等11味破壁超细粉;另加:(12)刺梨C王、(13)富硒魔芋、(14)异黄酮葛根、 (15)海带、(16)紫菜、(17)刺黑海参、(18)墨鱼干等七味破壁超细粉;

    [0335] B、另选的16味生药+4份覆盆子全粉=20味生药组成了 4个覆盆辅助型方剂,其单 剂破壁超细粉名单共20味是:

    [0336] 辅1方剂:覆盆子全粉、荷叶、决明子、银杏叶、黑豆;

    [0337] 辅2方剂:覆盆子全粉、西红柿、胡萝卜、燕麦、黑木耳;

    [0338] 辅3方剂:覆盆子全粉、大红枣、干姜片、香菇(冬燕)、黑花生(或黑枸杞);

    [0339] 辅4方剂:覆盆子全粉、山楂片、松针、绞股蓝、黑芝麻;

    [0340] •第3号超细粉加工技术路线:适宜投资资金和技术力量雄厚者自行建新厂,采用 “原料有机种植、加工、销售、服务”一条龙的经营方式:生产设备及工艺流程是:

    [0341] 购进真空冷冻远红外辐射升华干燥大型主机—采摘鲜湿料或购进干原料—②水 洗净化淋干(免烘干工艺)—③剪切成3-5厘米小段(楽果免打楽)—④真空冷冻干燥机零下 35度速冻—⑤远红外辐射升华干燥至水分4-5 % —⑥送入超细粉碎机低温粉碎加工—⑦质 量检验—⑧包装:第三号技术路线的加工方案比第一号技术路线减少了“原料烘干”、“制备 干粗粉”、“浆果打浆”、“浆、粉搅拌混合加热干燥”、“臭氧消毒”等五道繁琐工序,节约了烘 干机、粗粉粉碎机、打浆机、浆粉混合搅拌加热干燥罐、臭氧消毒等五台套加工设备购置费, 节约了场地、人工以及相应的设施和运转维护等费用;经真空冷冻辐射升华干燥的材料质 地松脆更易于超细粉粉碎加工,有利于超细粉的分散、水解、增强药效吸收。

    [0342] 所以本发明设计了以上三种超细粉的加工技术路线和经营方案,将给实施此项技 术的不同条件的厂家和投资者,有一个适宜的选择;

    [0343] 实施例五(即第五步):将检验合格的覆盆子一主四辅五个方剂34味生药的破壁 超细粉新制剂,能开发出多种便于携带,随时方便服用的维生素和生物药素大全的速效型 养生新广品:

    [0344] —号新产品:“五行养生益寿覆盆子超细粉胶囊”

    [0345] ①可以把34味单剂的破壁超细粉粉剂,分别采用胶囊灌装机,按每个胶囊填装超 细粉1〜3克,每板12粒,每盒2板24粒;

    [0346] ②也可把一主导四辅助五方剂中的每一个方剂的复方破壁超细粉,按每个胶囊填 装1〜3克;

    [0347] 服用方式及服用量:按中医辨证施治原则,把保健养生人群分为五种不同健康状 况的类型:

    [0348] 第1类型:保健养生增免疫防患病的保健养生者群体:五个方剂的破壁超细粉胶 囊,每日早晨空腹口服各1粒共5粒:若因故吃不上早点,可以把主方剂覆盆子菌藻胶囊10粒 温开水送下;

    [0349] 第2类型:身虚体弱乏力亚健康者:每个方剂早晚空腹各服1粒,五个方剂日服10 粒;

    [0350] 第3类型:一体多病者:早中晚空腹各服一次,每次每方剂各服1粒,五方剂日服三 次共服15粒。贵在坚持足量常服,驱除病根,康复长寿,全家幸福!

    [0351] 第4类型:经医院检查确诊患某种较重的疾病者:尤其是心脑血管病、免疫力低下、 二尚病人,或有中风如兆或心绞痛者;或治愈有后遗症和正在化疗的病人,在医生允许和指 导下,可把主导方剂特1号覆盆子超细粉坚持加量服用的同时,其它四个超细粉辅助方剂亦 应一起加量服用,如每日晨6时至晚9时每三小时服一次共五次,每次各服1粒为5粒,日服25 粒;

    [0352] 第5类型:为特别类型人群服务:不是病人,而是英雄团队:如宇航员、特种兵,或战 斗中光荣负伤需战地急救的伤病员;本发明的1主导4辅助的五方剂破壁超细粉,尤其是特 字1号覆盆子C硒菌藻强抗氧化养生益寿的破壁超细粉产品,还是宇航员抗辐射、保健康的 特殊药用食品;也是特种兵及战斗负伤须急救的伤病员抗饥饿、耐伤痛、止血消炎的应急战 备品;为了高效,每粒胶囊内的超细粉增至3〜5克;为防止胶囊破碎或与空气过多接触氧化 或受潮,再用速溶性薄膜在胶囊外裹一层外衣防潮防氧化,105粒一小塑瓶7天量,日服3至5 次每次3至5粒;因其内含果菜、海藻等营养维生素及生物医药元素极为丰富,最适宜内服后 抗辐射、抗饥饿、抗疫病、保健康、增体力、提高耐受力;

    [0353] 外敷超细粉加酒精或盐水调成稠糊(尤其使用芽叶+根茎的破壁超细粉),能提高 浸透率3〜5倍,能辅助性消炎止痛疗伤治疮;

    [0354] 本产品是应急性特强的药食两用超细粉备急用食品,特点是体积小,重量轻,特干 燥,不变质,好携带,食用方便,比营养香肠,压缩饼干,炒面,奶粉方便效高,甚至缺水时也 能吞服,是理想的保存自己消灭敌人,提升战斗力的应急性备品;当然也适用于旅游、马拉 松长跑、爬山、野外训练及探险工作者、防地震的民众等,与覆盆子超细粉营养瓶水配套救 急,能有效延长人体生命的抢救期。

    [0355] 第6类型:可依据病情任意选用适宜的单剂或复方剂破壁超细粉服用:覆盆菌藻主 导方18味生药及16味辅助性生药,既可混合组合成五方剂超细粉新制剂合力治未病,也可 对症选择一种或几种有关的单剂超细粉服用。比如:需要经常补充维生素和营养的,可把五 种树莓果或四种海藻的破壁超细粉选用,就是《食补宝方》;比如患癌症者,就可选择含抗癌 元素鞣花酸多的红莓果、绿药果、果籽及富C富硒的刺梨、魔芋的超细粉服用,就是一个《杀 癌宝方》!再如,免疫力下降有三高的人群,就可选择含抗氧化元素多的覆盆子茶(茶多酸)、 果籽(花青素)、熟透的树莓果(黄酮)超细粉;或选荷叶、银杏叶、黑色食品的破壁超细粉服 用,又是两个《免疫宝方》!当然,一体多病者、慢性病较重者,或三高、患心脑血管病的,就应 服用覆盆子菌藻“一主四辅” 34味生药组成的五组方剂破壁超细粉,就更得力。

    [0356] 本发明五个组合方剂共用了 34味生药组成了“一主导四辅助的五个方剂”,若按传 统熬煮饮服方式,平均每味生药材以8克计,共计272克,一天内经高温熬煮3次,每次加水约 IOOOml,每次浓缩至三分之一计330ml,每天把三次药汤合在一起分三次服完。药汤内所浸 取的药素成分因没有破壁,原细胞内的精华没能全部溶解出来,高温浸取三次又损失掉一 大部分,只能得到30%左右的有效成分;而低温破壁粉碎的超细粉却能98%以上地保留了 维生素和生物医药元素,每天最多服用25粒胶囊每粒胶囊平均2克装,共50克超细粉,是用 药材量272克的5〜6分之1左右,不仅节约了药材,其药效和疗效肯定提高了 5倍左右;又省 事,又省钱,又好喝,又能快速高效养生保健康!

    [0357] 二号新产品:五行健康益寿覆盆子饮片、含片、泡腾片:

    [0358] 可以是覆盆子一主四辅五方复合制剂破壁超细粉,也可以是34味单剂破壁超细 粉;分别制成易消化吸收的破壁饮片或口含片或泡腾片,每片含超细粉1〜3克,加入适量的 粘合剂食品级淀粉或脱脂优质奶粉、3 %的柠檬酸纳、千分之一的甜叶菊或木糖醇糖粉(对 糖尿病人有益),充分搅拌混合均匀,用ZP-9旋转式压片机压成口含片(生产能力每小时产 16200片);每小细筒10片,每大筒立排5至10小筒,以求方便携带有效服用。服用方法,参照 上述1号新产品胶囊的服用原则即可;

    [0359] 三号新产品:五行健康益寿覆盆子破壁超细粉冲剂,用覆盆子一主四辅五方剂,也 可用单剂破壁超细粉,每小包加入超细粉1〜3克;采取内外各一层塑模或铝箱真空密封;温 开水冲饮或放入矿泉水瓶饮用,现冲现饮或一次多冲分次饮服;超细粉覆盆子芽叶茶是专 利覆盆子纯叶茶和药果茶的升级版,含树莓花,芽叶,药绿果、熟果、根茎以及C硒和海藻等 生物元素;本冲剂还可当早点或夜宵冲服享受(必要时可放一点糖,或加一点十三香调个美 味高汤嘛);

    [0360] 四号新产品:五行健康益寿覆盆子超细粉瓶装饮料可以使用覆盆子一主四辅五方 剂复合破壁超细粉,也可以是单剂破壁超细粉:按瓶水净量与超细粉之比为100:0.5〜1配 兑,塑(玻)瓶灌装;服用方法参照1号产品胶囊;

    [0361] 五号新产品:五行养生益寿覆盆子超细粉兑制营养加强型新酒系列:可以使用五 方剂复合破壁超细粉,也可以是单剂破壁超细粉,分别按酒的净量与超细粉之比1〇〇:1〜5 计量配兑;可广泛配入白酒、黄酒、啤酒、米酒,各种果酒,以及国内外的名酒做为原料酒,都 能与覆盆子养生益寿破壁超细粉配兑成营养加强型保健新酒品牌上市;

    [0362] 传统配制中药药酒一直延用50〜60度高度酒浸泡几十天,其原理就是用乙醇能把 药材里的药成分更多地浸取出来;但中药覆盆子C硒海藻破壁超细粉配制营养酒,一不用高 度酒多日浸取,二不用繁杂的发酵高成本工序,(因基酒已经发酵成酒,覆盆子一主四辅破 壁超细粉更不需要发酵制备,因发酵蒸馏工艺会使很多生物元素损失在酒糟内),五行养生 益寿覆盆子破壁超细粉其全价营养素补品,及其生物医药元素的药效成分,都能随超细粉 入酒现配现饮,厂家也能大量集中兑配装瓶上市。

    [0363] 制备工艺流程:采取防火系统—选购18〜58度优质酒基—检验酒精度及质量—将 酒栗入有冷水循环夹层的不锈钢的安全搅拌罐—按酒量与超细粉重量之比为100:1〜5计 量配兑—中低速搅拌10分钟左右(以酒中无漂浮和沉淀物为达标标准)—打开放酒阀—自 流进入自动灌装瓶酒的流水罐装生产线—加强防火安全及产品质量监督—贴商标—装箱 入库待售;个人可购回自己养生需要的覆盆子破壁超细粉小包或大包,再买回当地产的好 白酒,按比例自配自饮;

    [0364] 六号新产品:五行益寿覆盆子超细粉能配制各种冷食及方便食品:即可以使用中 药覆盆子《一主导四辅助》34味五方剂的破壁超细粉,也可以用其单剂超细粉配置;比如冰 淇淋、冰糕、冰饮、果冻及饼干、糕点、方便面等各种食品、饮料都可按100比1〜5的比例配置 成药食两用的营养增强型保健食品;因此,为食品饮料行业增强产品营养填加了一项空白;

    [0365] 七号新产品:覆盆子养护肌肤美容保健新产品的原料配置,应以覆盆C硒菌藻的18 味单制的破壁超细粉为主料,不仅可内服,也可外用(外用的透皮吸收率是原来非纳米粉的 3〜5倍);因原料系山野无污染或人工绿色有机种植的覆盆子药、果、茶安全产品,富含维生 素A、B、C、E、全部氨基酸、绿药果的植物天然雌激素成分,壮阳的黄酮、锰和锌,又有抑杀癌 细胞的鞣花酸,消炎抗毒素的黄酮,抗氧化防腐的茶多酚、花青素;更有果、菜、食用菌、海藻 的营养元素等成分,又是纳米级破壁易吸收的小分子超细粉易被人体胃肠及皮肤快速吸 收,因此很适宜生产系列养护肌肤、减肥美体,养颜美容高级保健新品:①覆盆子超细粉保 湿、红润、养容面膜(夜用);②覆盆子超细粉皮肤营养搽膏;③覆盆子超细粉沐浴后润肤液; ④覆盆子超细粉夜用头发养护液(促长、防秃、防白);⑤覆盆子超细粉漱口清洁养护液等系 列保健养护产品;其主辅料配比应为:一人两次的面膜配料是:覆盆子全料超细粉6〜10克, 纯水20ml,甘油3ml,医用酒精2ml,蜂蜜3ml、鸡蛋清适量;不加任何防腐剂和化学添加剂,因 为覆盆子破壁超细粉本身就富含植物防腐剂茶多酚和挥发性抗生素等多量全价维生素和 生物医药元素;可直接吞服覆盆子药果茶超细粉可有效减肥,亦可外敷荣养肌肤;

    [0366] 八号新产品:可进级为药品和针剂:特字1号覆盆子C硒菌藻主导方剂与4个辅助方 剂的五行覆盆子养生益寿破壁超细粉,其功能应以新方剂,新制剂,新技术,新治疗方法,应 及早地成为药品进行动物试用、临床药理,病理试验,从健字号美食提升至药字号中成药和 针剂济世救民;同时向全国推行发动家家自种“覆盆一分地,养生不求医”的全民治未病保 健康百岁大行动!

    [0367] 九号新产品:生态环保,废物利用的新产品:每亩遗弃枝干约有500公斤,可加工纸 浆、机制木炭、纤维板以及农村产出新能源沼气和生物肥料的好原料;采完芽叶后的营养枝 干+黄叶+小干果,是配置洗治痔疮的超细粉消炎液;也是颗粒饲料的中药添加剂。

    [0368] 十号新产品:还衍生出用五行覆盆子养生益寿破壁超微细粉配置的“营养增强型 养生”果酒、果泥、果汁、药果茶汤;配制方法就是在原来用高温生产的纯芽叶茶、复方药果 茶、果酒、果酱、果浆等美食的基础上,按其净量各加进2〜5%的营养增强剂覆盆子破壁超 微细全粉或其中的单剂或多剂,既能大大补充因高温加工时损失的生物元素,又能保留覆 盆子纯芽叶茶、复方药果茶、树莓果酒、果酱、果浆等特有的美味和保健功能;

    [0369] 十一号新产品:34味破壁超细粉,应按“三素一粉保细胞”的原则服用“一主四辅” 的五方剂外,还能视病情变化辩证加减,科学灵活地调配重组方剂施治,就又会衍生出系列 高效良方;如①维生素缺乏者,可专选富含全价维生素的红莓果或五种树莓果和刺梨的破 壁超细粉服用,这就是《营养补宝》良方;②男女都需要补肾补虚时,就选用覆盆子芽叶茶、 绿莓药果、黑豆、刺海参、墨鱼干的破壁超细粉服用,成为《补肾宝》良方;③癌症患者就可将 富含抑杀癌细胞的鞣花酸的红莓果、绿药果、果籽及维C王刺梨、富硒魔芋的破壁超细粉配 在一起就是一组《杀癌宝方》;④免疫力低下者可将富含强抗氧化剂茶多酚、黄酮、花青素的 覆盆子药果茶及海藻(海带、海参、墨鱼干、紫菜)、黑色食材的破壁超细粉组成《免疫宝方》 服用;⑤以此类推,可衍生出更多的药食兼具的专用新方剂;⑥但患“五高”的心脑血管病的 就急需坚持服用《一主导四辅助五方剂34味破壁超细粉大宝方》,以便更有效地强抗氧化、 祛除百病祸首自由基,保护并修复人体命根子细胞,益寿延年服务于广大民众,

    [0370] 十二号新产品:外敷覆盆子超细粉加酒精或盐水调成稠糊膏状,尤其使用覆盆子 芽叶破壁超细粉和根茎破壁超细粉,敷伤处,能提高浸透率3〜5倍,能辅助性消炎止痛、疗 伤治疮;

    [0371] 总之,本发明坚持以其强大且渊源流长的中华医药文化和五行学说为灵魂、为旗 帜,以生物技术为主导,以中药“三素一粉”保细胞活百岁三五组合新医术的覆盆子“一主导 四辅助”中药5方剂的34味生药捆绑组合,采用新制剂技术,并提升为中华医药天然抗生素+ 维生素+花青素+破壁超细粉,灭除过氧化自由基损伤人体细胞致百病的罪魁祸首,战胜心 脑血管猝死梗死人命的第一杀手!急需启动《三素一粉保细胞斗病魔》新医术的中医现代科 学学术理论和基础应用的大讨论,大研究,大完善,大提高,为更有效地济世救民做贡献,跨 大步,争分夺秒走向世界!因此有必要创建以《三素一粉保细胞超百岁》的新中医为核心课 题的《天然生物与生命中华医学科学研究总院》(兼中西医结合新型医院),下设五所、一室、 一厂:

    [0372] 1、五个研究所

    [0373] ①天然抗生素开发应用研究所;

    [0374] ②天然维生素开发应用研究所;

    [0375] ③天然花青素开发应用研究所;

    [0376] ④天然生物一料一粉多元素聚合性萃取物_中华医药尖端制剂技术研究所;

    [0377] ⑤人体细胞与养生益寿生命医护研究所

    [0378] 中医药“三素”、“一粉”、“聚合元素”的食品和药品生物制品总厂。

    [0379] 期望振兴中华医药:迅速建起“1院、5所、1厂”,要使中华古医学和草堂生物中药能 有一天以最现代的科学理论和最神奇的长寿医术,登上世界医学大科学的最高殿堂!成为 中西医术结合的领头羊!让人类自胎儿一落地,就能依靠五千年中华医学文化和现代科学 理论的结晶:天然仙食神草、良方妙招、“三素一粉一聚合生物”保护人的机体细胞,茁壮成 长,事业大成,保驾护航,一生幸福,百岁不老。


    Specific embodiment protects the new medical skill of cell work three or five combination at the age of one hundred years old to complete Chinese medicine of the present invention " a three plain powder " Integrated system engineering, it is necessary to press《Five steps are implemented》The positioning implementation route of (also known as five steps are walked) and its technological process carry out, and Five specific implementation examples.

    《Five step implementation examples》Process flow outline:

    The first step:Implement " proving positioning for the third time ":

    1, the positioning for firmly believing the current seriousness for jeopardizing people's health and life must be found accurately;

    2, it must find accurately to firmly believe and currently make the arch-criminal of human body illness and its positioning of root:

    3, the positioning for firmly believing effective medical technology route and main direction must be found accurately

    Second step:The complete design five-element lengthen one's life five prescriptions combination;

    Third walks:Prepare the technological process of micron order coarse powder (1000 mesh) preparation early period;

    4th step:The five-element are prepared to lengthen one's life new departure of five prescription broken wall superfine powder novel formulation technological processes and innovation;

    5th step:Design five prescription of the five-element lengthens one's life the preparation of superfine powder new product brand.

    It now decomposes and implements《Five steps are implemented》The implementation example of positioning, process are as follows:

    Embodiment one (i.e. the first step) " proving positioning mode for the third time ":It clearly must find and prove first three masters of the present invention Target is attacked, in the hope of designing the most effective new side of a five-elements theory+five for forming " a three plain powder hopper serious illness " with a definite target in view + five new results of agent《Three or five》Set boxing prevents from old complaint and beats current serious illness killer resolutely!

    One, top priority of the present invention is must to find accurately to firmly believe the current seriousness for jeopardizing people's health and life:

    Most influence now human health it is long-lived be because of cell inactivation, incur " three high plus two is high " --- high oxidation is free Base, hyperlipidemia blood is glutinous, hypertension, hyperglycemia, high cholesterol.This " five is high " and it is chain initiation cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer Disease, immunity inactivation, person in middle and old age's chronic disease, miscellaneous disease persistent ailment etc., arch-criminal is exactly peroxylradicals!All illness roots It is exactly that the cell membrane of the cell at each position of body is damaged, loses self-defense capability of resisting the enemy, viral germ just breaks through immune defence line, production Raw cytopathy, canceration, until capturing the health and lives of human body!

    According to reports:The annual world, which dies of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases just, 15,300,000 people, accounts for a quarter of total death toll, is complete The world's largest disease and dead killer;

    It was once announced according to ministry of Health of China《Chinese residents health and Nutritive status inquisition》, the whole nation has 1.6 hundred million people to suffer from high blood It presses (just having a people in eight people), suffers from 40,000,000 people of diabetes, dyslipidemia crowd 1.6 hundred million, Overweight people is fat up to 200,000,000 people Crowd 60,000,000, wherein there are about 2,600,000 body fertilizer overweight peoples to die of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease (average 12 seconds with regard to a dead people) every year, and Increasingly rejuvenation;

    Report about sufferer rejuvenation:Suffer within 29~36 years old the whole infractions of accounting for of myocardial infarction in China 10%;Wherein 30~40% existing hypertension symptoms;20% existing artery sclerosis symptom;Expect 30~40 years old people of the year two thousand twenty Group suffers from heart infarction patient and is up to 9,000,000 people, in addition the infraction of other age brackets, it would be possible to reach 40,000,000 people;The heart Muscle infarction most likely develops into heart failure, can be dead in 5 years;Suffer from a heart complaint people health care costs be cancer card twice.

    Two, it must find accurately to firmly believe and currently make one the arch-criminal of illness and its positioning of root:It seeks to continuing tightly While prevention causes a disease the germ to kill with virus, more the life of the peroxylradicals coup injury people of generation all kinds of diseases and ailments root The arch-criminal of root --- cell beats resolutely as main attack target,

    Thus, peroxylradicals have tortured the life root cell of people, and chain cause brain cell, cardiac muscle thin Born of the same parents, the excessive apoptosis of vascular endothelial cell, patch, blocking, hardening, or even rupture, lead to myocardial infarction, heart failure, cerebral hemorrhage, Cerebral infarction, encephalatrophy, senile dementia, diabetes make one to disable lethal!Have become " number one killer " to pose a health risk with life!This An exactly hygiene medical treatment science battle line actively eliminates the serious illness, protects the people's war of people's life safety!And the present invention wants Doctor patient and science and technology are united, and in a manner of normality, with the means of preventiveing treatment of disease, take Chinese medicine raspberry broken wall superfine powder《Three or five》Combination New treatment becomes the pathogenic arch-criminal's free radical of storming and kills the new of modern disease the first killer cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases this serious illness Weapon!

    Three, the positioning for firmly believing effective medical technology route and main direction must be found accurately:

    The present invention is sought to full price vitamin, powerful antioxidant and health care rich in a variety of antibiosis elements, tonic " combination of 34 taste five of a main fourth officer " prescription of active biopharmaceutical element, is all ground into micropowders, is not lost to reach Any point vitamin and the biological medicine element cured the disease that can prevent epidemic, while it being easier to absorption of human body synergy after reaching broken wall, with Drinking-water and gastric juice are rapidly absorbed, and can be immediately entered blood vessel and be flowed into vital organs of the human body direct attack lesion with blood, directly play its tonic The pharmacological property of the medication reconciliation vital organs of the human body, and be full of in whole body, human body cell is protected, fast lifting immunity is anti-ageing to lengthen the life.

    " combination of 34 taste five of a main fourth officer " prescription, can be both processed into broken wall superfine powder novel formulation respectively by prescription, controlled with joint efforts It is not sick, promote health care long-lived;But also 34 taste crude drugs can individually be carried out broken wall superfine powder crushing and processing, to adapt to To the different dialectical plus-minuss of health status, flexibly and effectively treat;Such as:The low patient of purchasing power, which can also suit the medicine to the illness, selects wherein one Kind or several related superfine powders are taken.For another example:Frequent replenishing vitamins nutrition is needed, one kind or number of raspberry can be selected Kind raspberry fruit broken wall superfine powder;Cancer stricken person, so that it may five kinds of raspberries more than selection ellagic acid containing Anticancer Element Selenium, Organic Selenium and Vc Fruit, green medicine fruit, fruit seed, Rosa roxburghii Tratt, konjaku superfine powder;For another example, the not high crowd of immunity should just select more containing anti-oxidizing elements Raspberry tea (tea polyphenols), fruit seed (anthocyanidin), the superfine powder of pueraria lobata (flavones) and seaweeds;Single dose is selected;Certainly, one More patients, chronic disease, five high, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should just take the 34 taste crude drugs composition of raspberry " master four is auxiliary " compared with severe one Five groups of prescription broken wall superfine powders, it is just more capable.

    Embodiment two:

    (i.e. second step) present invention for it has been found that and demonstration serious illness killer, cause a disease root, prevention technology path and Scheme has been specifically designed " leading 18 dose of+four 16 doses of auxiliary "《Three or five》Assembled scheme:

    (1), devising raspberry adds special No. 1 of seaweeds leading《Five-element's raspberry strong anti-oxidation health lengthens one's life》New prescription: Title, proportioning, effect, channel tropism (special No. 1 table)

    Special No. 1 of raspberry covers basin C selenium seaweed functions abstract:Ten big biological medicine elements;

    1, full nutrition vitamin:Volatility antibiotic is contained in multicolored raspberry fruit and its complete stool more;Contain in konjaku hectogram Protein 65 gram contains micro- C/2000mg in Rosa roxburghii Tratt hectogram;12 grams of isoflavones is rich in hectogram kudzu-vine root powder;

    2, anti-oxidant to increase immune tea polyphenols, polysaccharide, amino acid, VC, theophylline, flavones etc., rich in bud-leaf;

    3, anti-aging, radioresistance, the linoleic acid of eliminating inflammation and expelling toxin, the leukotrienes (Omega rich in enhancing human body cell vigor 3) it, is rich in fruit seed oil;There are five types of the anthocyanidin that black-food is rich in strong anti-oxidation free radical;

    4, strong anticancer ellagic acid, rich in the green certain kind of berries medicine fruit of life, multicolored raspberry fruit, fruit seed;

    5, powerful antioxidant can remove the tea polyphenols of free radical, procyanidine, rich in raspberry fruit, bud-leaf and fruit seed kind;

    6, plant aspirin salicylic acid:Rich in green certain kind of berries medicine fruit;

    7, SOD (superoxide dismutase) is rich in multicolored raspberry fruit;

    8, mineral trace element:Rich in complete stool;363.3 microgram containing selenium in konjaku hectogram;

    9, estrogen and androgen is contained in the green fruit of raspberry, konjaku flour and seaweed respectively;

    10, four kinds of seaweed:Eight kinds must amino acid and half arginine, taurine, the glutamic acid etc. that need and lack be contained in more In alga food;The basic function of the full powder of raspberry:

    1, antioxidant:Tea polyphenols, anthocyanidin, flavones, raspberry seed oil;2, the antiviral flavones of anticancer, ellagic acid, bigcatkin willow Acid, SOD;3, estrogen phenomenon;4, full price vitamin;5, five drop;6. radioresistance, decompression, hypoglycemic, anticancer, controls hat at anti-hyperthyroidism Disease replenishes the calcium, loses weight, is anti-ageing, anti-breast cancer;7, oxidation resistant tea polyphenols, anthocyanidin can remove free radical;

    (2) the 16 taste crude drugs for covering basin miscellaneous function of present invention design compatibility form four new prescriptions with the full powder of raspberry It is as follows

    ◆ raspberry assists the new prescription 1 to be《The quick-acting five drops healths of the five-element lengthen one's life superfine powder》

    Table 1:Crude drug title, proportioning, effect, channel tropism

    ◆ raspberry assists new prescription 2《Five-element's thrombolysis leads to health and lengthens one's life superfine powder》

    Table 2:Crude drug title, proportioning, effect, channel tropism

    Major function:1, anti-aging, anti-dull-witted, anti-oxidant 2, decompression, lipid-loweringing, hypoglycemic, drop blood glue 3, anti-coronary heart disease, softening Blood vessel, thrombus dissolving 4, weight-reducing, defaecation, improving eyesight

    ◆ raspberry assists new prescription 3《The quick-acting five drops healths of the five-element lengthen one's life superfine powder》

    Table 3:Crude drug title, proportioning, effect, channel tropism

    Major function:

    1, radioresistance, anticancer;Blood pressure lowering, norcholesterol, reducing blood lipid, all poison of degrading;

    2, anti-hyperthyroidism, prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease, anti-breast cancer, visit osteoporosis, anti-cerebral ischemia, anti-gall stone, anti-cerebral arteriovenous malformation are prevented Cerebral infarction, anti-dementia.

    ◆ raspberry assists new prescription 4《The anti-five drops healths of the five-element eight lengthen one's life superfine powder》

    Table 4:Crude drug title, proportioning, effect, channel tropism

    Leading type prescription and auxiliary type prescription point are done one group two groups by embodiment three (i.e. third walk), and to prepare dry crude powder (micro- 1000 mesh of powder):

    First group:Raspberry+C selenium seaweed leading type spies word 1《Five-element's raspberry strong anti-oxidation health lengthens one's life superfine powder》 Superfine powder is processed respectively again after processing dry crude powder (micron) respectively per the proportioning of taste crude drug

    Raspberry dominates the 18 taste crude drug titles sequence of prescription and is measured in percentage with siccative dosage:Raspberry herb 11 Taste proportion has accounted for 65% (wherein five kinds of certain kind of berries fruits account for 30%);Seaweeds accounts for 20%;Vc, selenium, isoflavones account for 15%;It is former wet Material purified, dried respectively, pulverization process;Disintegrating apparatus selects " the thick micro-powder crusher of stainless steel water cold type Chinese medicine ", Coarse powder fineness is up to 30 mesh to 1000 mesh, processing capacity 120 to 700kg/ hours/platform.

    It is prepared by five-element's channel tropism, purification, drying, coarse powder, the superfine powder that 18 taste crude drug main material of prescription is dominated to raspberry Technological process etc., spy have made following design:

    1, raspberry raw material 1:1. the green certain kind of berries medicine fruit of number crude drug prepares the technological process of dry crude powder (or Ultramicro-powder):It purchases high-quality No mould dry or bud green certain kind of berries medicine fruit → sieving → enzyme deactivation inactivation → machine of hand-sort impurity elimination → 80 DEG C blanching fresh fruit 3 minutes gets rid of dehydration → 60 DEG C low temperature drying is to aqueous 4~5% → coarse crushing up to 30~1000 mesh → pack inventory.

    It is reported that ellagic acid containing anticancer, flavones, phytoestrogen phenomenon, Vc etc. in the green medicine fruit of raspberry;Also Bu Shen Zhuang 35~221 micrograms of mine trace element manganese/hectogram of positive enriching yin qi-restoratives;

    2, raspberry raw material 2:Ripe red, yellow, white+purple, black raspberry fresh fruit, arranging in numerical order respectively is:2. number red certain kind of berries berry;③ Number yellow certain kind of berries berry;4. number white bubble or purple certain kind of berries fruit;5. number blackberry, blueberry berry;8 to 9 one-tenth of maturity is picked and is processed respectively, dry crude powder Preparation process flow is slightly different according to supplied materials situation:

    A, it largely purchases fresh certain kind of berries fruit raw material → hand-sort impurity elimination → and enters layering sabot (5 centimeters of thickness) restocking sterilization of ozonization room Disinfection 20 minutes or so → pack vanning (5 kilograms) → send freezer to store for future use;

    B, it takes and freezes fruit raw material (included fruit seed) → enter mashing stirring crusher machine and slurry-mud → barreled is made or stainless steel is canned close 0 DEG C to 5 DEG C freezer of envelope → feeding stores for future use;

    If C, being blended thick fruit powder, pulp is poured into together with other dry crude powder of raspberry special has folder with shear knife After being prepared into the dry crude powder of mixing in the high-speed stirred tank of layer heating, then sends to and prepare broken wall superfine powder;

    If D, without the dry crude flour producing process of system:Frozen fruit is thawed → entering broken wall superfine disintegrator → take wet → hot wind is taken to add the drying process of spraying → if the ultra-fine grinding of method broken wall to occur dry powder caking phenomenon → dry powder is returned machine to surpass again It is finely divided primary.

    It has been reported that fresh certain kind of berries fruit contains 1.2 to 1.53 grams of flavones/%;Cancer inhibitting and killing cell is can extract out in 120 grams of red certain kind of berries fresh fruits Ellagic acid 35.2mg, ellagic acid has special efficacy to treatment colon cancer, cervical carcinoma, breast cancer and cancer of pancreas;Take daily 150 grams of red certain kind of berries fruits Juice can prevent human normal cell's canceration.After the ellagic acid injection human body of biology extraction, cancer cell is inhibited to stop life within 42 hours Long transfer, can kill for 72 hours;Also contain a variety of biological medicine elements such as superoxide dismutase SOD;It is special that raspberry fruit contains Fragrance has 51 kinds of volatility antibiotic composition;Antibiotic substance with antisepsis, 3 grams of % of raspberry fruit containing cellulose, helps In prevention heart disease, Blood Cholesterol can be also reduced, it helps prevention diabetes reduce carbon dioxide and enter blood, with Maintain the level of glucose in blood, moreover it is possible to defaecation;Every 100 grams of raspberry fruit can drop blood containing 0.5~25 milligram of salicylic acid It is viscous, soften blood vessel, and it is anti-cure cold, the good drop medicine of a warm nature of influenza, sphagitis, linoleic acid plus linolenic acid in fruit seed has abundant Powerful antioxidant procyanidine, effect is 20~50 times of VC and VE respectively.

    3, raspberry raw material 3:6. the green bud-leaf of number crude drug prepares the technological process of dry crude powder (or Ultramicro-powder):Picking or purchase The fresh bud-leaf of raspberry (1~3 leaf of a bud band, middle period, great Ye) → uniform spread has the native leak eyelet of sieve what is moved forwards at a slow speed Conveyer belt on, both sides have artificial hand-sort impurity elimination (2--4 meters of the trip) → into 3 meters long semi-enclosed clear water elution channels → enter left and right, the upper three face semiclosed channel of stainless steel mesh → by conveyer belt be blown below 100 degree of steam enzyme deactivations finish → after 80 degree of heated-air drying channel → cured leafs are blown below from a large amount of eyes of wind of conveyer belt in the continuous netted channel of 3 minutes → entrance that moves forwards Son up to aqueous 4~5% → can be directly entered broken wall superfine disintegrator crush → by size vacuum packaging be put in storage.

    The element function of raspberry bud-leaf tea:Once the Ministry of Agriculture was detected, and was included in the dry bud-leaf hectogram of raspberry:It is strong anti- 25.4 grams of oxidant phenol object (tea polyphenols etc.), with conventional green tea equivalent (content higher in great Ye);0.3 gram of alkaloid, than passing Green tea of uniting lacks 3/4ths, still feels excited pleasant after drink, relieves fatigue, though content is less, can protect cranial nerve will not be because of mistake It has a sleepless night in stimulation excitement;1.2 grams of flavones is higher by 2.4 times than conventional tea;6.6 grams of total reducing sugar (polysaccharide etc.), is the 1.9 of conventional tea Times;Vc0.02 grams.Raspberry tea is the void item (note that 16 provinces and cities of north of China increase production tea economic:Southern tea tree is in the north zero Lower 17 DEG C or so can freeze to death, and raspberry is resistant to subzero 40 DEG C).It is of the invention special by former northern tea tree Chinese medicine raspberry patent medicine fruit Tea upgrades to five-element health-preserving through continuing research and development and lengthens one's life the pure leaf tea of broken wall superfine powder raspberry and composite medicine fruit tea, containing raspberry flower, bud The raw materials such as the green fruit of leaf, pallet, medicine, ripe fruit, rhizome become the new product for the function tea that health lengthens one's life through broken wall ultra-fine grinding, and are The north opens the New step of economic technology and the development of people's livelihood health industry until whole nation development function tea economic.

    It is reported that:Pregnant woman drinks raspberry tea in antenatal postpartum, because containing can nourishing and fit keeping function, adjustment constitution in palmleaf raspberry leaf Class flavone (i.e. flavonoids), antenatal play help pregnant natural labor of preventing miscarriage;There is the effect for restoring uterus and lactagogue in postpartum;It such as takes and covers Basin broken wall superfine powder health lengthens one's life pure leaf tea and composite medicine fruit tea, and effect can be more preferable;

    4, raspberry raw material 4:7. number crude drug pallet:(being the nutrient discs for growing bud and fruit):It is (or super to prepare dry crude powder Micro mist) technological process:Hand-sort impurity elimination cleans dedusting → machine and gets rid of that 40~60 DEG C of drying → holders of dehydration → low temperature are small to exempt to crush Can directly bag it is spare;

    Pallet is the attic base of flower and fruit growth, and general abandoned is on fruitful branch;Plant tray is made similar to the placenta of animal With (placenta contain placental hormone), contained bio-element should detect utilization in plant flowers hypocarp disk, should not abandon.

    5, raspberry raw material 5:8. number crude drug fruit seed:Fruit seed prepares dry crude powder (Ultramicro-powder) technological process:Recycling fruit seed → Manual impurity elimination → dusting cover go 40~60 DEG C of soil → low temperature be dried to aqueous 4~5% → small fruit seed need not coarse crushing → pack it is spare.

    Functional element:Unsaturated fatty acid 20% or so is rich in fruit seed;Mainly leukotrienes is rich in Omega 3 and anti-by force Oxidant procyanidine 994mg/kg (contains 99.4mg) i.e. in hectogram;Content of vitamin E is high, and content of phospholipid reaches 2.7mg%, has The functions such as anti-oxidant, the more diseases of strength removal damage cell carcinogenic free radical, anti-inflammatory, sun-proof, moist, growth promoting hairs.Other side simultaneously Fat-soluble element such as carotene, tomato haematochrome in agent etc. has dissolves effect well;

    6, raspberry raw material 6:9. a number crude drug is each dyeing defect (valve and flower bud):Prepare dry crude powder (or Ultramicro-powder) technological process: 1. the picking bud bud of fruit setting (tea place do not allow);2. picking petal to spend above two (before and after pollination fruit setting) and expect, press respectively Following technological process operation preparations:Hand-sort impurity elimination (to protect pollen, being sure not to wash) → and into drying room online disk, spread thickness about 5 out Centimetre → being layered pendulum on stainless steel frame, → 40 DEG C of gentle breezes are air-dried to aqueous 4~5% → packs spare.

    7, raspberry raw material 7:10. number crude drug root skin prepares the technological process of dry crude powder (or Ultramicro-powder):

    → 2. the skin that old branch are done being peeled after result → flushing respectively 1. uprooting, thoroughly removal sandy soil → machine gets rid of dehydration → use Cutter be cut into 3 to 5 centimetres of cutting back → low temperature, 60 DEG C of drying up to moisture content 4~5% → enter pulverizer up to 30~1000 mesh → It packs spare.

    The functional element of root skin:1. root is in the reaction of tannin, carbohydrate, flavonoid glycoside, contain aldehydes matter and saponin(e;2. nature and flavor work( With:Hardship is slightly cold.Clearing heat and cooling blood is activated blood and relaxed tendons, scattered silt analgesic, inducing diuresis to remove edema.3. curing mainly:It is for oral administration:The fever throat that cures cold is swollen Bitterly, spitting of blood is spitted blood, and dysentery enteritis controls eczema, protect liver;To Escherichia coli, salmonella, hay bacillus inhibits preferable.

    8, raspberry raw material 8:(11) number crude drug tender stem limb prepares the technological process of dry crude powder (or Ultramicro-powder):

    Tea place is only picking raspberry bud-leaf without allowing as a result, white sponge object in autumn outcast stem branch bar, Still store the biological nutrition medicine element yielded positive results of supply, should develop medicinal (former Soviet Union is just washed with its cooking and controls hemorrhoid) → It is cut into 3~5 centimeters of segment → water and rinses out silt → drying is air-dried to aqueous 4~5% → and be ground into coarse powder 30 to 1000 The white flesh of nutrition that mesh (or directly broken wall superfine powder crush) but raspberry orchard are plucked in the limb after fruit exhausted, lignifying Crude fibre, can waste utilization be used as charcoal processed, paper pulp, biogas and its bio-feritlizer, advantageous ecological, environmental protective and increase income profit.

    It 9, can be single by above-mentioned 6 taste crude drug, 4 taste pulp, the 1 taste fruit seed for being processed into raspberry coarse powder (or Ultramicro-powder) respectively Broken wall superfine powder is individually processed in agent, also can reprocess broken wall superfine powder after combination drying;Now by the technique of combination drying enumerate as Under

    6 kinds of coarse dry powders of the above raspberry and dry fruit seed and dried flower raw material put into vertical stainless steel stirring with dissection in advance Tank, cover be opened and closed it is adjustable, have wet vent → middling speed of powder and gas filter bag be sufficiently stirred 10 minutes be uniformly mixed → drop To low speed whole fresh fruit slurry-muds from loading hopper be poured slowly into tank → close after again middling speed become high-speed stirred mixing in 10 minutes Even → being down to middle low speed again to continue to stir → opened simultaneously the weep hole → of powder filtering bag while being passed through 60 in outside sandwich~ 80 DEG C of steam or hot water heating evaporation dry to aqueous 4~5% → go out it is canned enter to mould bag spare.

    It has all been coarse dry powder agent separately to have the organic powder of 7 tastes, C, selenium, bacterium algae raw material, and main component function is complete with raspberry 11 taste crude drugs of strain are combined into《Cover basin C selenium seaweed》No. 1 18 taste prescriptions of leading type enhance the anti-oxidant work(for increasing and being immunized and prolonging life Effect!It is also previous item patent of invention 100601201《A kind of northern raspberry plant material and its health care medicine fruit for tea tree The production method of tea》Extension, upgrade version in technology and effect;Especially broken wall superfine powder health care's is with better function!

    Second group:It is the 1st, 2,3, No. 4 that four prescriptions of auxiliary type process dry crude powder (or 1000 mesh of Ultramicro-powder) number respectively

    ● No. 1 auxiliary prescription《The superfine powder that lengthens one's life drops in the five-element quick-acting five》Crude drug title purifies, dry, processes, proportioning, work( Energy (table one)

    Cover the technological process that basin assists No. 1 prescription to prepare coarse powder (or Ultramicro-powder):

    Purchase the high-quality crude drug raw material of four tastes → take respectively low temperature drying (aqueous 4~5%) → crushes respectively up to 30~ 1000 mesh are spare;Main component and function (including covering the full powder that basin C selenium seaweed dominate No.1)

    (1) tea polyphenols containing powerful antioxidant, anthocyanidin, flavones, cover basin fruit seed oil, strong anti-oxidation, improve immunity.

    (2) anti-inflammatory antiviral, anti-hyperthyroidism, anticancer:There are flavones, ellagic acid, cow-bezoar element, rheum emodin, Rhein.

    (3) four drops:Lipid-loweringing, hypoglycemic, decompression, drop blood is viscous, norcholesterol.

    (4) blood blood vessel:Prevention of arterial hardening, adjusts arterial-venous capillary at allevating angina pectoris, treats cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Disease, glycosuria complication, inhibits platelet activating factor at acute cerebral infarction;Antiviral prevention AIDS, leukaemia, osteopathy.

    (5) full price vitamin is supplemented;Have the tonifying kidney and strengthening yang of animals and plants hero estrogen, enriching yin qi-restoratives help pregnant, tocolysis, natural labor, Promoting lactation.

    ● cover No. 2 new prescriptions of auxiliary of basin:《Five-element's tonic medication health lengthens one's life superfine powder》

    Crude drug title, proportioning, purification, drying, coarse powder (or 1000 mesh of Ultramicro-powder) processing flow (table three)

    Cover the technological process that basin assists No. 2 new prescriptions to prepare coarse powder (or Ultramicro-powder):

    Primary efficacy:Replenishing vitamins, anti-oxidant, anti-prostate cancer, anti-aging, anti-dementia;Lowering blood pressure and blood fat, drop Blood glucose, drop blood is viscous, prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease, softens blood vessel, dissolves thrombus;Weight-reducing, defaecation, improving eyesight.

    ● it covers basin and assists No. 3 new prescriptions:《The anti-five drops healths of the five-element eight lengthen one's life superfine powder》

    Crude drug title, proportioning, purification, drying, coarse powder (or 1000 mesh of Ultramicro-powder) processing flow (table three)

    It covers basin and assists No. 3 new prescriptions;Prepare coarse powder (or the technological process of 1000 mesh of Ultramicro-powder:

    1, five material combination dryings crush:It → 2. gives a dinner of welcome in jujube, except core, chopping → 1. the full powder of raspberry and is 3. incorporated in ginger splices → 4. be added dried thin mushroom, dried mushroom → be 5. added blackcurrant pigment or lycium ruthenicum → entrances it is vertical have interlayer, cover be opened and closed it is adjustable, have hydrofuge The middle and high speed of tank of stomata and powder filter bag, stirring and shearing is broken → while be passed through in outside sandwich 70~80 degree of steam or Hot water circuit heats evaporation drying, and (60 degree of temperature in tank) → be slowly added into full powder of raspberry → complete feed mixing is in dry to containing 4~5% → material granularity of water is spare up to 30~1000 mesh → go out canned bag.

    2, also can be according to compatibility needs, single dose dries coarse powder processed to five tastes crude drug respectively;

    Major function:(1) eight is anti-:It is anti-hyperthyroidism, anti-aging, anti-breast cancer, anti-coronary heart disease, preventing bone rarefaction, anti-gall stone, anti- Cerebral infarction, anti-dementia;(2) thrombus dissolving softens blood vessel;(3) replenishing vitamins;(4) five drops:Blood pressure lowering, hypoglycemic, reducing blood lipid, drop Blood is viscous, norcholesterol:

    ● it covers basin and assists No. 4 new prescriptions《The anti-five drops healths of the five-element eight lengthen one's life superfine powder》Combination

    Crude drug title, proportioning, purification, drying, coarse powder (or 1000 mesh of Ultramicro-powder) processing flow (table 4)

    Note:Five kinds of raw medicinal herbs raw materials should pass through washing dedusting low temperature drying → difference respectively if not processed coarse powder It is spare to be crushed to the dress modeling bag storage of 30~1000 mesh (coarse powder or Ultramicro-powder) → moisture content 4~5% → respectively.

    Primary efficacy:1, eight is anti-:Anti-oxidant, Anti-bacterium is antiviral, radioresistance, anticancer, anti-aging, anti-dementia, anti-spirit Division;

    2, five drop:Blood pressure lowering, hypoglycemic, norcholesterol, reducing blood lipid, heavy metal of degrading;

    Above-mentioned coarse powder (or 1000 mesh of Ultramicro-powder) processing technology is summarized as follows:

    1, the 16 of the 18 taste crude drugs of first group of raspberry leading type spy No. 1 prescription of word and second group of four auxiliary prescription Single dose has been processed into dry crude powder (Ultramicro-powder) to taste crude drug respectively, has made adequate preparation for processing superfine powder;

    2, its technological process is summarized as follows:

    1. raw material prepares (being separately depositing respectively for coarse powder shape) respectively, → 2. hand-sort impurity elimination → is washed, is purified respectively, leaching is done (note:Fresh bud-leaf material, must in 80 degree of hot water blanching 3 minutes, carry out enzyme deactivation and kill herbaceous taste) → 3. cut into 3 respectively~ It first time low temperature drying or is air-dried to moisture content 4~5% after 5 centimeters of segments → 4. have berry material need to be beaten another standby → 5. purify → 6. ozone disinfecting-sterilizing → 7. can distinguish single dose or compound hybrid process coarse powder (or Ultramicro-powder) 30-1000 mesh → 8. slurry can Independent medium temperature drying, can also be added agitator tank and second of re-dry of coarse powder Hybrid Heating to aqueous 4~5% → prepare send to plus Work superfine powder.

    From stocking up to completing 34 taste crude drugs coarse powder processing, this superfine powder early period coarse powder technical matters route suitable for original The old producer of technical equipment adopts production.

    Example IV (i.e. the 4th step):Dry crude powder is processed into broken wall superfine powder, three kinds of technology paths is devised, can appoint Choosing is a kind of:

    ● No. 1 superfine powder Processing Routes:Be suitable for connecing using the food factory and Deng Lao factories of pharmaceutical factory of existing equipment Production first prepares dry crude powder (or 1000 mesh of Ultramicro-powder), reprocesses broken wall superfine powder.Advantage is investment-saving, is easily started, and production and marketing is fast;

    (1) equipment starts:Start the existing machinery equipment suitable for traditional Chinese herbs broken wall ultra-fine grinding;

    (2) superfine powder processing process and processing criterion:

    1, by the coarse powder (or 1000 mesh Ultramicro-powders) of each prescription of the machined qualification of second step, by prescription sequence gradation, divide Food dispersant 1~10% or so can be added and (be assert using country when necessary by not processing → coarse powder is sent into hopper → not individually Food surface dispersant) → set fineness as can make 120 to 500 nanometers (being approximately equal to 10~40,000 mesh) of the complete broken wall of cell → Start machine timing, determine 30 DEG C or so of temperature control in granularity automatic crushing → machine → shutdowns sampling and estimate the bonus point powder of inspection → Sampling to be shut down again to pour in transparent glass cup warm water or cold water, range estimation is without floating material, deposit-free, and color, smell and taste are consistent with raw material → Examine qualified vacuum packaging

    2, purposes and the big pouch-packaged of dosage point are pressed:

    (1), big pouch-packaged is done by purposes:1. now being rushed with teacup and now being drunk, any one superfine powder parcel can be made with 1 gram Dress;2. bottled mineral water, pure water, beverage can be configured to trophism by the ratio between water purification and superfine powder 100: 1~3 using inner wrapping Beverage;3. nutritious white spirit is dissolved, by any one superfine powder of 100: 2~5 five prescriptions of supplying;4. big packaging is public by 2.5 Raw material use is done by the producer of jin packaging, supply processing drink food and medicine;

    (2), the quality requirement and its process of packaging material:1. each one layer inside and outside inner wrapping;Internal layer is with without quiet The nontoxic modeling bag of electricity, vacuum sealed package, the outer layer aluminium foil bag vacuum sealing for being printed on specification and trade mark;2. 1 modeling in big packaging Packed superfine powder vacuum sealing → by interior 1 mould it is packed enter in 2 modeling bags vacuum sealings again → it is close to be reloaded into first aluminium foil bag vacuum Seal → be finally reloaded into be printed on the description of product, trade mark, produce factory nontoxic no electrostatic modeling bag generality sealing → through quality inspection personnel Signature → respectively kind and the specification of affixing one's seal are cased into commodity library, and handing over procedure is handled.

    3, sample presentation is examined:Food and drug safety supervision and inspection institute sample to library, safe and healthy by state food drug Standard test certification provides and examines conformity certification book, reprocesses or be directly entered market sale into new product.

    ● it is processed outside No. 2 superfine powder technology path, that is, strip:It is selected suitable for the person of lacking of capital;Need to have three conditions: 1, investor, which must entrust, can purify traditional Chinese medicinal material raw materials and the dry crude powder of low-temperature grinding to the processing producer of 30~1000 mesh;2, external coordination The producer of processing superfine powder must be the manufacturer of temperature production high energy nanometer physical impact pulverizer, have enough machinery and Technology is processed into 34 taste broken wall superfine powder products respectively by single dose folk prescription;3, it after investor takes the outer processing of commission, voluntarily manages While two major classes core prescription being assisted with leading the four of the configuration present invention, moreover it is possible to which 34 kinds of superfine powders are distinguished compatibilities at a variety of new Product;

    The list of its single dose broken wall superfine powder product is:

    A, raspberry dominates 18 taste raspberry crude drug single dose broken wall superfine powder list of prescription:1. green certain kind of berries medicine fruit, 2. red certain kind of berries fruit, 3. yellow certain kind of berries fruit, 4. bubble or purple certain kind of berries fruit in vain, 5. blackberry fruit, 6. green bud-leaf, 7. flowers and fruits pallet, 8. pure fruit seed, 9. bud petal, 10. root Skin, the 11 taste broken wall superfine powder such as (11) tender stem branch bar;It is another to add:(12) Rosa roxburghii Tratt C king, (13) selenium-enriched konjac, (14) isoflavones pueraria lobata, (15) the seven taste broken wall superfine powders such as kelp, (16) seaweed, (17) thorn Holothuria atra, (18) inkfish be dry;

    B, the taste crude drug of the alternative full powder of+4 parts of raspberries of 16 taste crude drugs=20 constitutes 4 and covers basin auxiliary type prescription, list Totally 20 tastes are agent broken wall superfine powder list:

    Auxiliary 1 prescription:The full powder of raspberry, lotus leaf, cassia seed, ginkgo leaf, black soya bean;

    Auxiliary 2 prescription:The full powder of raspberry, tomato, carrot, oat, black fungus;

    Auxiliary 3 prescription:The full powder of raspberry, big jujube, dried ginger slice, mushroom (dried mushroom), blackcurrant pigment (or lycium ruthenicum);

    Auxiliary 4 prescription:The full powder of raspberry, haw flakes, pine needle, gynostemma pentaphylla, Semen sesami nigrum;

    ● No. 3 superfine powder Processing Routes:Suitable for capital fund and strong technical strength person voluntarily Jian Xin factories, use The management style of " the organic plantation of raw material, processing, sale, service " one continuous line:Production equipment and process flow is:

    It buys vacuum refrigeration far infrared radiation lyophilization mainframe → fresh wet feed of picking or buys the water of dry raw material → 2. It is subzero that the vacuum freeze drier of (exempting from stoving process) → 3. cut into 3-5 centimetres of segment (berry exempts to be beaten) → 4. is done in cleanization leaching 35 degree quick-frozen → 5. far infrared radiation lyophilization to moisture 4-5% → are 6. sent into the matter of ultrafine crusher low-temperature grinding processing → 7. Amount examine → is 8. packed:The processing scheme of third technology path reduces " raw material stoving " than number one technology path, " prepares Five cumbersome process such as dry crude powder ", " berry mashing ", " slurry, powder are stirred heat drying ", " ozonization ", have saved baking Five set process equipment purchase commoditys such as heat drying tank, ozonization are mixed in dry machine, coarse powder pulverizer, beater, starch, The expenses such as place, artificial and corresponding facility and during-operation service are saved;The material matter of lyophilization is radiated through vacuum refrigeration Ground is crisp to be easier to superfine powder crushing and processing, and the dispersion, hydrolysis, enhancing drug effect for being conducive to superfine powder absorb.

    So the present invention devises the Processing Routes and management plan of three of the above superfine powder, it will give and implement this skill The producer of the different condition of art and investor, there are one suitable selections;

    Embodiment five (i.e. the 5th step):The broken wall that qualified raspberry one will be examined to lead four auxiliary five prescriptions, 34 taste crude drugs Superfine powder novel formulation can develop a variety of easy to carry, the fast-acting type for vitamin and biological medicament the element complete works conveniently taken at any time Health new product:

    No.1 new product:" five-element health-preserving lengthen one's life the ultra-fine powder capsule of raspberry "

    1. capsule filling machine can be respectively adopted in the broken wall superfine powder pulvis of 34 taste single doses, loaded by each capsule super 1~3 gram of fine powder, per plate 12,2 plate of every box 24;

    2. the compound broken wall superfine powder of each prescription in five prescriptions of leading four auxiliary can also be filled out by each capsule Fill 1~3 gram;

    Take mode and dose:By tcm treatment according to syndrome differentiation principle, health care crowd is divided into five kinds of different healthy shapes The type of condition:

    1st type:Health care increases the health care person group that anti-illness is immunized:The ultra-fine arogel of broken wall of five prescriptions Capsule, daily morning are each 1 totally 5 oral on an empty stomach:It, can be main prescription raspberry bacterium algae capsule 10 if being unable to eat for some reason earlier Warm water is sent down;

    2nd type:The empty weak weak inferior health person of body:Each prescription respectively takes 1 on an empty stomach sooner or later, and five prescriptions take daily 10 Grain;

    3rd type:The more patients of one:Once a dose on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon and evening, takes 1 per prescription every time, five prescriptions take daily three It is secondary to take 15 altogether.It is valued for adhering to enough informal dresses, drives away old complaint, rehabilitation is long-lived, whole family's happiness!

    4th type:It checks to make a definite diagnosis through hospital and suffers from certain heavier disease patient:Especially cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, hypoimmunity, Three-high patient, or have apoplexy omen or angina pectoris person;Or healing has sequelae and just in the patient of chemotherapy, allows and refer in doctor It leads down, while the special No. 1 raspberry superfine powder of leading prescription being adhered to that dosage is taken, other four superfine powders auxiliary prescriptions are also It should take dosage together, such as daily morning 6 takes once five times totally for every three hours when evening 9, and it is 5 respectively to take 1 every time, takes daily 25 Grain;

    5th type:It is serviced for special type crowd:Not instead of patient, heroic team:Such as astronaut, special technical soldier, or war Being wounded in action in bucket needs the sick and wounded of battlefield first aid;Five prescription broken wall superfine powders of leading 4 auxiliary in the 1 of the present invention, it is especially special Broken wall superfine powder product or astronaut's radioresistance that No. 1 raspberry C selenium bacterium algae strong anti-oxidation health of word lengthens one's life, health care health Special medicinal food;It is also sick and wounded's anti-hunger of special technical soldier and battle injury or wound palpus first aid, resistance to grieved, hemostasis and anti-inflammation emergent war Spare unit;In order to efficient, the superfine powder in every capsule increases to 3~5 grams;For prevent capsule broken or with the excessive catalytic oxidation of air Or make moist, then wrap up in instant capacity film that one layer of coat is moisture-proof anti-oxidation, and 105 7 staggering amounts of a small plastic bottle take daily 3 to 5 outside capsule Secondary 3 to 5 every time;It is extremely enriched because it includes the nutritious vitamins such as fruit and vegetable, seaweed and biological medicine element, after optimum is for oral administration Radioresistance, anti-epidemic disease, health care health, increases muscle power, improves tolerance anti-hunger;

    Being applied with superfine powder adds alcohol or brine to be tuned into dense and burned (the broken wall superfine powder for especially using bud-leaf+rhizome), can improve It is impregnated with 3~5 times of rate, the complementary anti-inflammatory analgetic of energy, which is cured the wound, controls sore;

    This product is the medicine-food two-purpose superfine powder of emergency extra-heavy for Emergency equipment, and feature is small, and light-weight, spy is dry It is dry, it never degenerates, it is good to carry, it is convenient, than nutrient sausage, ship biscuit, fried flour, when milk powder facilitates effect high or even water shortage It can swallow, be preferably to preserve oneself to eliminate enemy, promote the emergency spare unit of fighting capacity;It is of course also apply to tourism, horse traction Loose long-distance running is climbed the mountain, the common people etc. of field exercise and exploration worker, earthquake-proof, and raspberry superfine powder nutrition bottle water is mating rescues It is anxious, it can effectively extend the rescue phase of human life.

    6th type:Suitable single dose or compound preparation broken wall superfine powder can be arbitrarily selected to take according to the state of an illness:Cover basin bacterium algae master 18 taste crude drug of the side of leading and the complementary crude drug of 16 tastes, both can hybrid combining preventive treatment of disease at five prescription superfine powder novel formulations resultant forces, also may be used The one or more of related single dose superfine powders of selection are taken to the ill.Such as:Frequent replenishing vitamins and nutrition are needed, it can be five The broken wall superfine powder of kind raspberry fruit or four kinds of seaweed is selected, and is exactly《Tonic treasured side》;Such as cancer stricken person, so that it may which selection contains anticancer Red certain kind of berries fruit, green medicine fruit, the Rosa roxburghii Tratt of fruit seed and richness C selenium-rich more than element ellagic acid, the superfine powder of konjaku is taken, and is exactly one《It kills Cancer treasured side》!For another example, immunity degradation has three high crowds, so that it may select containing more than anti-oxidizing elements raspberry tea (tea polyphenols), Fruit seed (anthocyanidin), well-done raspberry fruit (flavones) superfine powder;Or select the broken wall superfine powder clothes of lotus leaf, ginkgo leaf, black-food With, and be two《Immune treasured side》!Certainly, the more patients of one, chronic disease is high compared with severe one or three, suffers from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, just answer Five groups of prescription broken wall superfine powders of raspberry bacterium algae " as soon as master four is auxiliary " 34 taste crude drugs composition are taken, it is more capable.

    Five composition formulas of the invention have shared 34 taste crude drugs and have constituted " five prescriptions of leading four auxiliary ", if by passing Infusion drink-service mode of uniting amounts to through high temperature infusion 3 times in 272 grams, one day, each plus water is about averagely per taste raw medicinal herbs in terms of 8 grams 1000ml is concentrated into one third meter 330ml every time, medicine soup three times is combined takes in three times daily.It is soaked in medicine soup For the medicine element ingredient taken because not having broken wall, the essence in archaeocyte that could not all be dissolved out, high temperature leaching loses one again three times It is most of, it can only obtain 30% or so active ingredient;And the superfine powder that low temperature broken wall crushes 98% can be remained with Shangdi Vitamin and biological medicine element at most take the average 2 grams of dresses of every capsule of 25 capsules daily, and totally 50 grams of superfine powders, are to use 1/5th~6 or so of 272 grams of medicinal material amount, has not only saved medicinal material, and drug effect and curative effect improve 5 times or so certainly;It saves again Thing, and saving money, and drinks well, and can rapidly and efficiently health care health!

    No. two new products:Five-element's health lengthens one's life raspberry medicine materical crude slice, lozenge, effervescent tablet:

    It can be that raspberry one leads four auxiliary five sides compound formulation broken wall superfine powders, can also be that 34 taste single dose broken walls are ultra-fine Powder;The broken wall medicine materical crude slice or buccal tablet or effervescent tablet of absorption easy to digest is respectively prepared, every contains 1~3 gram of superfine powder, is added suitable Adhesive food-grade starches or the high-quality milk powder of degreasing, 3% citric acid receive, millesimal STEVIA REBAUDIANA or xylitol Icing Sugar it is (right Diabetes patient is beneficial), it is thoroughly mixed uniformly, being pressed into buccal tablet with ZP-9 rotary tablet machines, (production capacity is produced per hour 16200);Per 10, small thin cylinder, per big cylinder, 5 to 10 small cylinders of vertical row, effectively take in the hope of being convenient for carrying.Instructions of taking, reference Above-mentioned No. 1 new product capsule takes principle;

    No. three new products:Five-element's health lengthens one's life the ultra-fine medicinal granules of powder of raspberry broken wall, and four auxiliary five prescriptions are led with raspberry one, Single dose broken wall superfine powder can be used, 1~3 gram of superfine powder is added per parcel;Take inside and outside each one layer of mold or aluminum foil under vacuum sealing;Temperature Boiling water Instant Drinks are put into mineral water bottle and drink, and the existing drink of now punching or primary rush gradation drink-service more;Superfine powder raspberry bud-leaf tea is special The upgrade version of sharp raspberry pure leaf tea and medicine fruit tea contains raspberry flower, bud-leaf, the green fruit of medicine, ripe fruit, rhizome and C selenium and seaweed etc. Bio-element;This electuary can also be when earlier or food enjoyments of taking after mixing it with water (can put some sugar, or add some thirteen spices U.S. when necessary Taste soup-stock);

    No. four new products:Five-element's health lengthens one's life raspberry superfine powder bottled drink can be using four auxiliary five sides of master of raspberry one The compound broken wall superfine powder of agent can also be single dose broken wall superfine powder:Match for 100: 0.5~1 by the ratio between bottle water net amount and superfine powder It converts, modeling (glass) bottle is filling;Instructions of taking is with reference to No. 1 product capsule;

    No. five new products:Five-element health-preserving lengthens one's life the reinforced new liquor series of raspberry superfine powder exchange nutrition:Five can be used The compound broken wall superfine powder of prescription can also be single dose broken wall superfine powder, respectively the ratio between net amount and superfine powder of meat dishes to go with liquor 100: 1~5 Metering dissolves;It can be incorporated white wine, yellow rice wine, beer, rice wine extensively, various fruit wine and famous brand of wine both domestic and external are as raw material wine, all The broken wall superfine powder that can lengthen one's life with raspberry health dissolves into the new wine brand listing of nutrition reinforced health care;

    Tradition preparation Traditional Chinese medicinal liquor adopts always 50~60 degree of high wines and impregnates tens days, and principle is exactly to use ethyl alcohol energy handle Medicine ingredient in medicinal material, which more leaches, to be come out;But Chinese medicine raspberry C selenium seaweed broken wall superfine powders prepare nourishment wine, and one does not have to height It spends wine to leach for more days, two do not have to complicated high cost procedure of fermentation, and (because base liquor has been fermented into wine, the master of raspberry one four is auxiliary broken Wall superfine powder need not more ferment preparation, because fermented distilled technique can make many bio-elements losses in vinasse), five-element health-preserving The effective component of its full nutrition element tonic of the raspberry broken wall superfine powder that lengthens one's life and its biological medicine element, can be with superfine powder It is existing with existing drink to enter wine, producer, which also can largely concentrate, converts with bottling listing.

    Preparation process flow:Take fire prevention system → choose 18~58 degree of high-quality wine base → inspection alcoholic strengths and quality → general It is based on 100: 1~5 that wine, which is pumped into the safe agitator tank of the stainless steel of circulating chilled water interlayer → by capacity for liquor and superfine powder weight ratio, Amount dissolve → middle stirring at low speed 10 minutes or so (using in wine without floating and sediment as Passing Criteria) → open wine drainage valve → from Flowing water canned production line → reinforcement fire safety and product quality supervision → code → vanning of the stream into auto-filling bottle wine It is put in storage for sale;Individual can buy the raspberry broken wall superfine powder parcel of oneself health needs or big packet back, repurchase back and work as the good of real estate White wine, in proportion autogamy are drunk certainly;

    No. six new products:Five-element's raspberry superfine powder that lengthens one's life can prepare various cold foods and instant food:It can be in use Medicine raspberry《One leading four auxiliary》The broken wall superfine powder of 34 taste, five prescription can also be configured with its single dose superfine powder;Such as ice Various food, the beverage such as river in Henan Province leaching, ice cream, ice drink, jelly and biscuit, cake, instant noodles all can by 100 to 1~5 proportional arrangement At the enhanced health food of the nutrition of medicine-food two-purpose;Therefore, enhance one blank of product nutrition adding for food beverage industry;

    No. seven new products:Raspberry conserves the raw material configuration of skin beauty and health care new product, should be to cover the 18 of basin C selenium bacterium algaes The broken wall superfine powder of taste list is major ingredient, not only oral administration, also can external application (transdermal absorption factor of external application is original non-nano powder 3~5 times);Because raw material system hill is pollution-free or raspberry medicine, fruit, the tea safety product of the artificial organic plantation of green, rich in dimension life Plain A, B, C, E, whole amino acid, green medicine fruit natural plant estrogenic component, flavones, manganese and the zinc of establishing-Yang, and have cancer inhibitting and killing The ellagic acid of cell, the antitoxic flavones of anti-inflammatory, tea polyphenols, the anthocyanidin of anti-oxidation and antisepsis;More there are fruit, dish, edible mushroom, seaweed The ingredients such as nutrient, and be that the small molecule superfine powder that nanoscale broken wall easily absorbs easily quickly is inhaled by human intestines and stomach and skin It receives, therefore very suitable for producing series maintenance skin, weight-reducing body beautification, skin maintenance high-class healthy new product:1. raspberry superfine powder is protected It is wet, ruddy, foster to hold facial mask (ight);2. raspberry superfine powder skin-nourishing puts cream on the skin;Skin lotion after 3. raspberry superfine powder is taken a shower; 4. raspberry superfine powder ight hair curing fluid (growth promoting, anti-bald, anti-white);5. raspberry superfine powder is gargled, cleaning curing fluid etc. is Row health care care products;Its main and supplementary materials proportioning should be:The facial mask dispensing of one people twice is:6~10 grams of raspberry complete feed superfine powder, Pure water 20ml, glycerine 3ml, medicinal alcohol 2ml, honey 3ml, appropriate egg white;It is not added with any preservative and chemical addition agent, because For raspberry broken wall superfine powder inherently be rich in the volumes full price vitamin such as plant antiseptic agent tea polyphenols and volatility antibiotic and Biological medicine element;Raspberry medicine fruit tea superfine powder, which can directly be swallowed, effectively to lose weight, and can also be applied with flourish foster skin;

    No. eight new products:Can be drug and injection into grade:No. 1 raspberry C selenium bacterium algae of special word dominates prescription and 4 auxiliary squares Five-element's raspberry health of agent lengthens one's life broken wall superfine powder, and function should be with new prescription, novel formulation, new technology, and new treatment is answered Early become drug and carry out that animal is on probation, clinical pharmacology, pathology experiment, from strong font size cuisines be promoted to medicine font size Chinese patent drug and Injection, which is benefited mankind, rescues the people;Every household is started to preventive treatment of disease guarantor from the whole people of kind " cover basin one and divide ground, health do not seek medical advice " to whole nation implementation simultaneously Health big action at the age of one hundred years old!

    No. nine new products:Ecological, environmental protective, the new product of waste utilization:Limb is abandoned per acre there are about 500 kilograms, can process paper The good raw material of slurry, charcoal, fiberboard and rural area output new energy biogas and bio-feritlizer;The nutrition branch after bud-leaf is adopted Dry+yellow leaf+coccus is that the superfine powder anti-inflammation liquid for controlling hemorrhoid is washed in configuration;It is also the Chinese medicine additive of pellet.

    No. ten new products:Also derive with five-element's raspberry health lengthen one's life broken wall micropowders configuration " nutrition is enhanced Health " fruit wine, puree, fruit juice, medicine fruit tea soup;Preparation method is exactly originally with the pure bud-leaf tea of high temperature production, compound medicine fruit On the basis of the cuisines such as tea, fruit wine, jam, pulp, respectively added by its net amount 2~5% nutrition enhancer raspberry broken wall it is super Fine full powder or in which single dose or multi-agent, can supplement significantly the bio-element because being lost when high temperature process and retain cover The distinctive delicious and healthcare function such as the pure bud-leaf tea of basin, compound medicine fruit tea, raspberry fruit wine, jam, pulp;

    Ride on Bus No. 11 new product:34 taste broken wall superfine powders should be taken " master four is auxiliary " by the principle of " a three plain powder protect cell " Five prescriptions outside, moreover it is possible to regard the dialectical plus-minus of change of illness state, allocate scientific and flexiblely recombination prescription treat, just again can derive series Efficient good recipe;Such as 1. hypovitaminosis person, the broken of red certain kind of berries fruit rich in full price vitamin or five kinds of raspberry fruits and Rosa roxburghii Tratt can be selected Wall superfine powder is taken, here it is《Nutrition is mended precious》Good recipe;2. men and women is required for kidney tonifying qi-restoratives, just select raspberry bud-leaf tea, The dry broken wall superfine powder of green certain kind of berries medicine fruit, black soya bean, apostichopus japonicus selenka, inkfish is taken, and becomes《Kidney tonifying is precious》Good recipe;3. cancer patient can incite somebody to action The red certain kind of berries fruit of ellagic acid rich in cancer inhibitting and killing cell, green medicine fruit, fruit seed and Victoria C king Rosa roxburghii Tratt, selenium-enriched konjac broken wall superfine powder match It is exactly one group together《Kill cancer treasured side》;4. immunocompromised person can will be enriched in powerful antioxidant tea polyphenols, flavones, anthocyanidin Raspberry medicine fruit tea and seaweed (kelp, sea cucumber, inkfish dry, seaweed), black food materials broken wall superfine powder composition《Immune treasured side》 It takes;5. and so on, special new prescription both with more medicine foods can be derived;6. but suffer from the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of " five is high " With regard to being badly in need of adhering to taking《The one 34 big treasured side of taste broken wall superfine powder of leading four five prescription of auxiliary》, so as to more effectively strong anti-oxidation, All kinds of diseases and ailments chief culprit's free radical is dispelled, protects and repairs human body lifeblood daughter cell, prolong life and serve general public,

    Ten No. two new products:Being applied with raspberry superfine powder adds alcohol or brine to be tuned into dense and burned paste, especially uses raspberry Bud-leaf broken wall superfine powder and rhizome broken wall superfine powder apply injury, can improve 3~5 times of the rate that is impregnated with, can complementary anti-inflammatory analgetic, treatment Wound controls sore;

    In short, the present invention adhere to and origin stream powerful using its length Traditional Chinese Medicine culture and five-elements theory as soul, for flag Flag, is leading with biotechnology, protects cell with Chinese medicine " three plain a powder " and lives that " one is leading for the raspberry of the new medical skill of three or five combination at the age of one hundred years old Four auxiliary " Chinese medicine 5 prescription 34 taste crude drug binding combinations, using novel formulation technology, and be promoted to Traditional Chinese Medicine natural antibiotics+ Vitamin+anthocyanidin+broken wall superfine powder goes out except peroxylradicals damage human body cell causes the arch-criminal of all kinds of diseases and ailments, defeats the heart First killer of cerebrovascular sudden death infarct human life!It is badly in need of starting《A three plain powder protect the cell bucket serious illness》The Chinese medicine modern times section of new medical skill The free discussion of academic theory and base application is learned, it is big to study, it is big perfect, it is big to improve, it rescues the people more effectively to benefit mankind and contributes, across Big step, races against time and goes to the world!It is therefore desirable to create with《It is super at the age of one hundred years old that a three plain powder protect cell》New Chinese medicine be core class Topic《Natural biological and the total institute of life Chinese medical scientific research》(and the combination of Chinese tradiational and Western medicine new hospital), divide into five institutes, a Room, One factory:

    1, five research institutes

    1. natural antibiotics development and application research institute;

    2. natural complex development and application research institute;

    3. natural anthocyanidin development and application research institute;

    4. one material of natural biological, one powder multielement polymerism extract _ Traditional Chinese Medicine tip preparation technique research institute;

    The life medical care research institute 5. human body cell and health lengthen one's life

    Traditional Chinese medicine " three elements ", " powder ", the food of " coalescing element " and pharmaceutical biological product head factory.

    It is expected that medicine of rejuvenating China:" 1 institute, 5 institutes, 1 factory " is built up rapidly, to enable Chinese ancient medicine and thatched cottage biological Chinese herbal medicine There is one day with most modern scientific theory and most magical long-lived medical skill, climbs up the highest palace of world medicine big science!Become The bellwether that Chinese and Western medical skill combines!As soon as the mankind is allowed to be landed from fetus, Chinese medical culture in 5,000 years and modern science can be relied on Theoretical crystallization:Natural celestial being Eating God grass, good recipe wonderful method, " three one polymeric biologicals of a plain powder " protect the body cell of people, it is healthy and strong at Long, cause great achievement escorts, all one's life happiness, at the age of one hundred years old not old.





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